Onoto plant captured in a photo

in StockPhotos3 years ago

Very happy day for the entire #stockphotos community and its administrator @udibekwe, today I am going to talk to you about the Onoto plant, its benefits and properties for our health.

The Onoto plant as we know it here in Venezuela is a plant that normally occurs in tropical environments in America, it should be noted that this plant is always very leafy in number of leaves most of its time, this plant can reach heights similar to the Normally 5 to 6 meters high, as a visual description it has very greenish leaves that are very striking to the human being since it has as a kind of cocoons where it carefully stores seeds that are very wonderful for human consumption, either to use it medicinally or gastronomically.


From the Onoto plant we can use practically everything, that is, its seeds, its leaves and its roots either for food or, failing that, for our health as well, this plant has a wonderful purpose through an infusion that we can prepare through its leaves and its seeds too, the infusion of this plant can be used to ingest it or, failing that, to treat external areas of our skin that are inflamed, it should be noted that within the properties of onoto we can find that it contains vitamin A, vitamin B and C, we can also subtract from this plant minerals such as iron, calcium and phosphorus.


I say goodbye to you this time, I await friends opinions until later.


Hi @marianis I really liked your photos because I love thee not for producing a wonderful oil with a deep color. I have used the root, for me it has wonderful properties for the liver. Happy and long life.

hola muchas gracia @mariita52 esta planta es magnifica , igualmente saludos y larga vida amiga.

I never saw these trees before.. Thanks for sharing with the #stockphotos community

saludos @caballero75 esta planta es hermosa y magnifica en sus beneficios para nosotros en el ambito de la salud.

What type of soil is necessary for this plant?


se da en un suelo erenoso o en su defecto arcilloso, el cual deebe tener buen drenaje amigo saludos

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