Ransom or funding?

in Popular STEM3 years ago


I said I was gonna talk about this on my last post, but first, you've got to keep an open mind, and be very logical to realise the depth of what's happening around us.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night" is the modus operandi of a typical Nigerian, and for good reason because otherwise one would realize how much of a nightmare we live in. We choose to sieve out or ignore the recurrent happenings in our country because of how powerless we, the people, really are. We say mean words at really terrible deeds, and that's all to it, no more is done. Let me give an instance, there's a killing of 30 random people in a place, and all that's said about it is "our government is useless!" or "God have mercy!" meanwhile these are really not as random as we think and I'll express my perspective.
In the previous presidential administration, the current ruling party was so involved in expressing how incompetent the at the time ruling party was after a kidnap of about 80 secondary school children. Well, it was a big deal as it was the first time such was done in the country. Now, when we get news about massive school children abductions we just nod, it has become so rampant and exaggerated. Sometime this year, over 300 school children were abducted! Over 300! This makes you question things, this can not be incompetence, because its impossible for 50 people to move without notice, at least not in this situation, and now, 300 people missing! By the time I'm done, I'm sure you'd also realise how much of a scheme all these are and how bad and scary the situation really is.
In the past 6 months, I think I've heard of more than 3 major abductions all happening in northern Nigeria, and for some reason, the security situation has not improved in all this time! Quick detour, the Nigerian citizen decided to stand up for her rights and the Nigerian government responded by sending the military in a short time to shoot her down, but there are repeated killings and kidnappings in northern Nigeria but the government is still struggling to resolve that?
Okay, let's start at the beginning, after the kidnap of the 80 schoolgirls in the previous administration, foriegn military was involved in the rescue mission. After strategies were put in place with the Nigerian military and even better weapons to facilitate the mission, on getting to the enemy camp days later, the foreign personnel were able to attest that the weapons they provided the Nigerian military were found in enemy possession. That was years ago, now, with the current administration, military actions are not even considered, they negotiate with kidnappers and bandits. It sounds like a joke, but its what's happening in Nigeria! In the last 6 months, there's been about 3 abductions that the government resolved by paying ransoms worth over millions of dollars, to bandits!
One of the more recent negotiations occured in enemy territory, let me expantiate, the Nigerian government had its representatives go into the enemy territory to negotiate. If you don't know the first obvious question to ask, let me help you... how did the government have the enemy's location and did not take a more dignified approach and maybe extract the children and eliminate the enemy? Instead, they paid millions of dollars further empowering the enemy. Oh, okay, you think they didn't take military action because of their concern for the children? Then why have they not increased the state of security of the region in 10 years?! If the lives of your citizens matter so much to you, then why not do the bearest minimum and put measures to protect your citizens! Their fundamental right!
In the last 6 months, the Nigerian government has spent several millions of dollars in ransom. That's what the Nigerian people would tell themselves, but if we get logical, this "enemy" had government issued military grade weapons, this "enemy" keeps operating in a certain region and yet, the government hasn't intervened and it's been at least a decade. This "enemy" keeps getting paid by this certain people in the name of ransom. In my opinion, these aren't ransoms, they are government funds being redirected to a private militia.
In simple words, there's a big thing brewing up and it's getting massive funding, and there's nothing we're doing about it but pretending we don't see it.

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