Incompetence or scheme?

in Popular STEM3 years ago

When do we agree certain things are not random coincidences or results of incompetence but actual well thought out actions to serve a long term agenda?
Let me start from the obvious and then get into the very conspicuous we pretend to allude us. Let's talk about the sources of revenue in Nigeria, okay, the relevant one, Crude oil. Since I was a completely ignorant child, I learnt Nigeria is rich in crude oil and it's our major source of revenue. But for some reason, we didn't have what it took to refine this crude oil and so we sold cheap crude oil and bought expensive petroleum products. Didn't make any sense to the ignorant child I was, and now, I'm a less ignorant person and it's been what, 20 years? Same shit, different day! Nigeria still does the illogical thing and sells cheap to buy expensive products when an option of building a functional refinery is constantly ignored like its not the real solution. Then, finally, a refinery is being built, but wait for it, it's a private property! The crude oil products that the nation should use to better her economy is now basically given to a private cooperation, ergo, the revenue made will majorly go to a particular sector of the population. So, the wealth of the nation continues to go to the affluent few and the people live in poverty. Let me take a quick detour, drove past a pregnant woman having a little child on her back one time in Bayelsa, she was drinking water from a muddy pond. That was a major trigger! For clarity, Bayelsa is one of the states in the country that's rich in crude oil. You can not fathom the level of poverty her people live in. And when the ruling class finally try to take a step in the right direction, they do it only to make themselves richer.
The people asked her government to solve the problem of police brutality, her government sent in the army to silent them. When the people strive to do better, they get arrased by their government, when they speak up, the get beat down by their government. These aren't random actions by a ruling class who dosen't know what its doing. It's the exact opposite! These are carefully planned out actions by a group of people who know exactly what they're doing. So now, I pose the question to you, where do we go from here?
In my country, a citizen was able to use the resources around him to build a company worthy of recognition and respect, a vehicle producing company indigenous to Africa! The company is currently functional, but you won't believe that there were law suits to keep that from happening. There is a constant need to stop progress in this place by the affluent, and I don't understand why, because another's prosperity doesn't hinder yours!
About the very conspicuous we pretend to allude us, I'll discuss in my next post.

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