Why does her eye color not match her parents | Capture images of famous Architeuthis Dux

in Popular STEM3 years ago

Hello, welcome to my blog, today I want to talk to you about the largest squid in the world that has finally been captured in all its splendor, this squid is large that is similar to the mythical Kraken but before entering this topic about the Kraken, I want to ask you a question!

Because we do not inherit the color of our parents' eyes in most occasions? for example my mother has light brown eyes and my father has black eyes, on the other hand I have brown eyes, because the iris of our eyes is usually different, here comes the explanation from scientists.

Why does her eye color not match her parents

The truth is that it is a mystery that science is escaping, that is, it is not known 100% because our eyes have different colors, however we know that the color depends the type of pigment that is concentrated in the cell of the epithelium, the case is that in many occasions the color of the eyes does not coincide with that of our parents and that for example happens to me.

Researchers certainly after years of study have realized the reason is that by analyzing nothing more and nothing less than 200 thousand people they realized that there are a total of 52 different genes that influence the color of the eyes, and if you do asked why you do not have the same eye color as your parents is because there are so many variants that it is really difficult to just match the eye color of our parents.

And speaking of eyes we are going to address other eyes and this is the giant squid that mentioned at the beginning that squid nicknamed as the Kraken cataloged with the largest squid in the world, will you wonder why I say about the eyes? because the eye of that squid is the same size as a basketball you can imagine an eye like that, with reason they nickname it the Kraken is that according to Scandinavian mythology the Kraken was a colossal monster that looked like a huge squid that attacked especially ships, but if we come to the real world there is certainly a squid that is like the Kraken does not think that it is as big as we usually see in the illustrations of Scandinavian mythology this is not so huge and it is not aggressive.

A dead giant squid (Architeuthis dux) found on Golden Mile Beach in Britannia Bay, South Africa in 2020. (Image credit: Adéle Grosse)

But it is colossal enough to be very scary that squid is the famous Architeuthis Dux, a squid that can measure as long as a 7-story building, you could imagine a squid of a certain magnitude is to run away, the fact is that this type of Squids are excessively elusive, specimens have certainly been seen standing on the small beaches in particular but in their natural habitat in the oceans there are hardly any images but BEWARE because recently a study has come out that finally reveals what those squids are like giants in their natural habitat.

The study is written in the journal Deep Sea Research PartI : Oceanographic Research Papers in which a variety of images of This huge monster that has been captured very few times one of those few times occurred in 2019 in the Gulf of Mexico, giant squids can live thousands of meters below the surface of the ocean and in that depth there is so little light It is very difficult to see them, in addition to seeing so little light the squid needs to have huge eyes to adapt to that darkness and that is why I develop those largest eyes in the animal kingdom the size of a basketball those huge eyes not only help the Giant squid roam the deep, dark oceans but probably also make them more sensitive to the bright lights that marine researchers ride on their submersibles and underwater cameras.

Precisely for that reason they are so difficult to capture because they are very sensitive to light because they are very adapted to the darkness that exists thousands of meters below the surface so when they see that light at a great distance they flee, that is, they escape from the camera that it comes with that powerful light that wants to capture it that is why they are so elusive, but now scientists know what is the method to see them.

Images taken from this article

Apparently combining equipment with low light with bioluminescent baits seems to be the most effective method to trick the giant squid into coming out of its hiding place and if you can see it because that is how scientists have captured it in its natural habitat and in all its splendor to Being that it is not as big as the mythological Kraken but it is certainly very large, compared to the Kraken that attacked ships in Scandinavian mythology, the one we see today does the opposite, this flees, hopefully this squid will leave him alone and do not capture it for storage in an aquarium as these are rare specimens to see.


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Article written by ruzmaira suarez

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