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RE: [Popular STEM] Curating the Internet: STEM digest for May 15, 2021

in Popular STEM3 years ago

As expected the entertainment giants are one step ahead in technology and in the creation of robots, it is incredible that Scott Christopher LaValley and his team have been perfecting Groot's movements for 3 years although Groot in miniature looks adorable, no wonder that within a couple of years the people who go to Disney will be served by robots.

Regarding the battle of Himera, it is not surprising that there were allies in the Greek troops, this battle was the typical David against Goliath where the cantagines had the advantage of having around 300 thousand men, although they are not exact figures, they were defeated by the small army of the city of Sicily. because the army won with less man? the answer is obvious remlaps was the surprise factor. However, these are still a great discovery for science and archeology.

I think that the deforestation of trees worldwide is inevitable since the world population is increasing and the demand is greater, although with the pandemic I do not know how the birth rate will be at the moment I imagine that we gave a small setback in this regard.

I think that Coperland should surpass the monkey even if he uses technology from 6 years ago, it is true that monkeys have intelligence and learn quickly but as you say, we human beings understand the geometry of the game, because Coperland has not demanded that they put the transplant Neurolink or is it waiting for the metaverse that the people of Sony are creating. :-)

Regarding the last point, I think that video games do not influence the behavior of children. When I was little, I liked to play resident evil 2 or silent hill on my play station 2, for being a 15-year-old girl, this type of game was not for me. style for being a girl, but I liked to play them now I wonder, did this type of video game make me a violent person after I am an adult? "Well no". I am a very calm person. I understand that there are parents who are exaggerated with the care of their children and if they do not want their child not to play that type of video game then do not buy a playstation or xbox or something similar since the temptation to play this type of game is latent.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for the reply. All good points.

On the issue of population and deforestation, I'm actually a big fan of seasteading to accommodate future population growth, although I'm sure that will bring its own environmental challenges along with it (cooling ocean temperatures in the areas that are shaded from the sun by human habitation, for example). Between the oceans and off-planet excursions, I think we might eventually have more room for growth than we anticipate now.

I tend to agree with you about Copeland and Pager because it's a 2 dimensional game. In the back of my mind, though, I'm thinking that because of the way they climb and swing in trees, monkey intuition must be good with angles and inertia - at least in 3 dimensions.

somewhat strange rotation and the magnetic poles are moving towards Siberia, if the earth leans more where previously there was ice, there will no longer be. and where there is no end there will surely be some coastlines around the world who will suffer for what happened.

Living in the sea sailing does not sound so crazy but the problem is the food if it runs out, or the only way that you always sail along the coast.

About the monkey pager you are right they are agile when it comes to climbing trees and eating bananas, now I wonder, what is the monkey seeing in the second dimension? to react to the game. It will be that it is being manipulated by means of a computer by the implant of the chip.

 3 years ago 

but the problem is the food if it runs out

True, but they are actually working on ocean-based agricultural techniques so that seasteads can farm their own food locally and sustainably. And of course, land-based cities have that problem, too. Millions or probably billions of people already depend upon food shipping for our survival.

I understand, but where will they get the fresh water to water the plants since the salt water would surely kill the harvest, I will have to read the article you sent me in the first answer.

Because living in the ocean would be great but it also has its disadvantages since the sea is constantly threatened by storms and siphons, although on land we are also in danger of natural disasters that appear constantly.

And if we do not go to another planet, it will not kill solar radiation, frozen, or by consuming high carbon dioxide.

Hahaha I think I'm a bit optimistic.

 3 years ago 

It has been a while since I read about it, but if I recall about the agriculture correctly, there are three main techniques: they use solar-powered desalination for fresh water plants (and also for drinking water); they grow plants that thrive in salt water; and they use large cages to pen marine animals in and farm them.

You're right that there are challenges, though. I hope that the engineers who are working on it will be able to make it safe, but that remains to be seen.

I understand .. Desalination consumes a lot of energy if I remember correctly, I think that for drinking water they should use thermal desalination to evaporate the water to separate the salts and impurity from the salty water and to water the plants, reverse osmosis desalination could be used but this is more difficult since they should use a high pressure pump and pass through a series of filters.

Well the engineers will find a way to use high energy generators in the sea because otherwise desalination will not work.

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