[Popular STEM] Curating the Internet: Science and technology digest for June 3, 2020

in Popular STEM4 years ago (edited)

A Steem essay discusses methods for testing in the oil industry to optimize drilling parameters for an oil well; A robot that cooks omelets and tailors them for individual preferences; An argument that payments for remote work should be based on output, not time; A top-tier retraction of a study claiming that masks are ineffective against COVID-19; and Neuroimaging finds that brain waves from musical performers and listeners get in sync, and that this happens more for more popular music

Curating the Internet: Science and technology digest for
June 3, 2020


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  1. Steem @carlos84:Testing to Optimize Drilling Parameters | Oil Engineering - This essay discusses the role of the Drilling Operations Engineer in performing drillability tests in the oil industry. In particular, it addresses these topics, "What is perforation testing? (or perforability test)", "Favourable perforation parameters for applying perforation testing", and "Operational procedure for applying perforation testing". This knowledge is important because it determines the optimal rate for drilling a well, ensuring that a project is completed as quickly as safely possible. (A 10% beneficiary setting has been applied to this post for @carlos84.)

  2. Robot Learns to Cook Your Perfect Omelet - Subtitle: With a little bit of feedback, this robot will generate an omelet optimized just for you - Until recently, cooking robots have been designed to strictly follow the steps in a recipe. This one extends that capability by receiving feedback from sample omelets and altering its cooking process to suit the individual. A paper describing the robot was delivered to ICRA 2020 this week.

    Here is a video of the robot making an omelet:

  3. The Remote Revolution Has to be Driven by Output, Not Salaries - Subtitle: Paying people the same by the hour, no matter their output, doesn't cut it. - In this essay, Yegor Bugayenko argues that many people reporting on the benefits of remote work overlook the costs. In particular, he says that remote work prevents "office politics" and reduces costs for things like rent, heat, and furnishing office space. However, he points out that under remote work arrangements, it's hard for an employer to monitor workers, keep them motivated, and maintain productivity. To address these difficulties, he suggests that instead of paying them hourly, remote workers should be paid for specific measurable deliverables. Here is the conclusion from the essay:
    If you want to go ahead with the remote revolution, then switch to results-based payment models. Pay people and pay them well when they deliver credible results and outputs. This will provide employees with the motivation to succeed on their own.

  4. Top journal retracts study claiming masks ineffective in preventing COVID-19 spread - The study was published in April in the Annals of Internal Medicine. It concluded "both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface.", and has been cited in numerous news articles. It also generated Tweets from more than 10,000 users on Twitter. It turns out, however, that the researchers failed to account for the limits of the test that they were using to detect the presence of coronavirus. Retraction Watch is maintaining a list of coronavirus-related retractions and suggests that the hurried race to publish may be impacting the quality of these studies.

  5. Music Synchronizes the Brains of Performers and Their Audience - Subtitle: The more people enjoy music, the more similar their brain activity is to that of the musician - Published in NeuroImage, a study finds that the brain waves of listeners get in sync with those of the performers when they listen to music, and that this happens more for popular pieces of music. The conclusion was reached by looking at medical images of brain waves when a violinist played excerpts from 12 pieces of music and 16 people listened to them. The excerpts came from pieces that included, "In all, there were 12 selections of familiar musical works, including 'Edelweiss,' Franz Schubert’s 'Ave Maria,' 'Auld Lang Syne' and Ludwig van Beethoven’s 'Ode to Joy.'" The authors report that all musical pieces resulted in synchronization, but that the effect was stronger in the more popular performances. Thinking out loud, possible implications for composers: (i) If you want a composition to be popular, ground it in something that people are already familiar with; (ii) When you transition between different musical themes, do it gradually and create stylistic links between the sections; (iii) It might be ok for music to be somewhat repetitive (within limits)... Repetition may help the listener to cultivate the cognitive habits that enhance enjoyment.

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Robot creation has always been aimed at facilitating human tasks and this remarkable video shows how this is possible and in a much more sophisticated way than before. This involves the robot more with the task, giving it a more human sense.

All the posts that were curated and shared by you are interesting, especially the one that talks about "The robot that learns to cook its perfect omelette" that technology advances so much is something that attracts me, that I like, I feel that this "personal" world "I will live it, but nevertheless, like everything new and unknown, it is scary.

At this time where attendance is difficult in person, the so-called remote work is the most suitable way, but considering the disadvantages that the documentary in question presents to us, it is certainly feasible that such payment to those who work in this modality, is made by production or not for hours of work. Experience indicates that involving the worker with production and that he sees that it affects the payment of his salary, generates great stimulation, therefore if dealing with face-to-face workers, this method generates good results, the more it will not generate for someone which executes remote work. The idea seems brilliant to me and I dare to assert that many companies in different countries are already considering it.

All crude oil production has drilling as its starting point, as the documentary points out, it is the way to carry out a project of this nature. These types of studies are so relevant and feasible for any company or country that produces oil, ignoring these methodologies, leads to the breakdown of the industry. I am currently a faithful witness to the results of bad policing in oil matters.

Naturally and I have always believed so, the result of any task is not very affective when it is carried out against the clock. When you have a race against time, it is unlikely that everything will turn out as it should, as well as it is understandable that those who have been entrusted by life to discover and stop this virus that today causes calamity, if they feel compelled to find a cure in record time. Regarding the use of masks, I also share that they are ineffective, not because they are designed in a way that does not prevent the spread of secretions, but because of a simple conclusion: it is not enough to use a mask or face mask, if the person who uses it does not have the Be careful not to touch it after using it and reuse it, because if someone uses a mask and they touch it with their hands, they would be having contact with the secretions that were there and when they touched other objects, it would contaminate it. Much depends on the awareness and precaution of the individual who uses it.

Music is something that more than listening to it is lived. I am a music lover, I see it as a lifestyle, I relate it to every aspect of what I live or others live, coming to understand the why of many things thanks to song lyrics including. The study to which mention is made in this post shows that music and songs are lived and therefore the listener synchronizes it as much as who interprets it, being so much so, that there lies the marked synchronization with popular themes. the listener identifies with the song and the experience of it is more real.

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