Using science to improve sleep quality.

in Popular STEM3 years ago

Using science to improve sleep quality.

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There are tricks to optimize our routine, to be healthier with the least possible effort at the lowest possible cost, since the first thing we do during the day is sleep, let's see how our quality of sleep improves first with very basic changes, the first thing we What you have to understand about sleep is that our brain needs energy to function and the energy it uses is called ATP or adenosine triphosphate.

When this energy is spent, AMP or adenosine monophosphate is transformed because it loses those phosphoruses and the brain needs sleep to be able to wash that AMP in order to be able to recycle it and convert it back into energy molecules. Basically, it needs to get rid of normal waste to be able to produce energy correctly later. , the more these substances accumulate, the more tired we feel and the coffee and other energy drinks we drink work by making the brain believe in this accumulated reality.

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That is why they make us feel less tired, therefore, if for several days I sleep badly or sleep little, more AMP accumulates each day than I can handle and I will feel more and more tired, this is impossible to have a good quality of life, sleeping poorly because this will alter your hormones, it will alter your immune system, it will bring your digestive capacity, your ability to handle stress correctly and much more.

Therefore, if you sleep little and cannot add more hours of sleep, at least you will have to compensate for it by improving the quality of sleep as much as possible; You can improve it by sleeping in the darkest room possible, sleeping in the quietest room possible, and sleeping in a room with the ideal temperature for sleeping, which is usually between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius.

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Some of these factors we cannot modify but others are easily modifiable by buying a curtain that blocks the light or even with sheets that cool the bed to avoid the use of air conditioning or the fan, if they affect your respiratory tract and if you snore or breathe through the mouth during sleep this will be less restorative, so a great idea is to practice a respiratory method such as buteyco, which facilitates nasal breathing together with techniques that allow you to expand the palate and make it easier for you to keep your mouth closed during sleep sleep, mouth breathing harms your sleep and your beauty.

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To start a good routine it is also essential to wake up well, this means understanding that sleep has phases and that there are ideal phases to wake us up and very deep phases where we should not wake up, this means that you should not use your cell phone alarm to wake you up, in instead there are many alarm clocks that are activated progressively, if you have to wake up at 7 am during the previous half hour they begin to illuminate and generate a natural sound progressively more and more and all this is done so that waking up coincide with your most superficial phase of sleep and make the process easier for you.

This must be done, because most of the changes we can make to sleep or wake up well do not require willpower, they are things that we install or program and that's it, we never have to think about it again and we improve our quality of life, our morning mood and even our long-term health.

If you like to read about science, health and how to improve your life with science, I invite you to go to the previous publications.

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