The new transportation revolution

in Popular STEM17 days ago

The new transportation revolution

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The first tests in Latin America

We always imagine innovations and reaching first world countries, you think that emerging countries like Brazil were left out of this, you thought wrong, in a historical milestone the first flight of an eVTOL without a human pilot, the EH216-S of the Chinese company EHang, was carried out successfully on Brazilian soil.

This innovative vehicle promises to completely transform urban air mobility in the world, opening the doors to a future in which air transport is more accessible, safe and sustainable, on September 24, 2024 in the small city of Block in the state of Sao Paulo witnessed this breakthrough and EHang in association with Gohobby Future Technologies carried out the test of the EH216-S.

An electric vertical takeoff and landing aerial vehicle operated remotely and without the need for a pilot on board, this flight was not only a test but a clear sign that the future of urban aviation is closer than we imagine. Making this achievement more impressive is the fact that Brazil is one of the largest markets for eVTOL vehicles behind only the United States and China. Large cities like Sao Paulo that face daily congestion and remote regions with little transportation infrastructure can benefit greatly from this technology.

Satisfy a growing demand in urban transportation.

EHang and its local partners have already accumulated more than 50,000 safe flights in 17 countries and now Brazil is part of this story. The remotely operated EH216-S was authorized by the ANAC National Civil Aviation Agency, which granted the aircraft the experimental flight authorization certificate. This will allow EHang in association with Gohobby to continue its testing and development in Brazilian territory, two flights were carried out on first with a duration of 6 minutes traveling 1.7 km and the second with 3 minutes and 20 seconds of flight covering 700 meters, both following all ANAC safety regulations.

The operation of the EH216-S is fully automated and controlled from the ground through a sophisticated EHang command and control system with 12 independent batteries and 16 motors offers a safe and efficient, without the need for direct intervention from the pilot on board, this means that from the ground the pilot can plan to monitor and control every aspect of the flight in real time.

Its ability to carry up to two people with a payload of 220 kg and a range of 30 km makes it a viable solution for urban transportation, the future of urban air mobility in Brazil is just beginning, but we can expect to see every more and more of these vehicles flying over Brazilian cities, bringing a new era of accessible and sustainable air transportation.

Who knows, soon you could be taking an eVTOL to move around your city avoiding traffic and enjoying a privileged view, tell me where you are from and if in your city it would be a good idea to use this type of Flying car.

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