Our modern lives make us sick.

in Popular STEM3 years ago

Our modern lives make us sick.

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Hello friends, today we see how people and society feel more and more alone, coupled with the current situation caused by the Chinese virus we can understand that generating more isolation aggravates our symptoms, there is a physiological reason why this is so; When our ancestors lived in tribes and were expelled from the tribe and separated from the tribe, they had anxiety and depression for very good reasons, which probably meant death because you would not have anyone to cooperate with to find resources and to survive, this is a factor that remains working in our brain until our time.

We have been evolving for hundreds of thousands of years following this logic, so it is likely that today we are paying the price of not respecting these same parameters for which we have evolved; Today I bring you some tips that you can carry out easily to solve symptoms of depression and anxiety, we go by parts:

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The first one is the consumption of omega 3, omega 3 is an essential substance for proper brain function, it is an essential fatty acid, all essential nutrients are essential because your body cannot produce them, this means that if you do not consume them In your diet or in the form of supplements, your body will not be able to carry out what it normally would need to do if it could have those substances, how much omega-3 you have to take in these types of situations, well the recommended thing in general is between 1,000 milligrams and 2,000 milligrams of omega 3 especially rich in a subtype of omega 3 that we call EPA.

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The second solution has to do with exposure to sunlight, what does this mean, it means that many times in our daily lives more in our modern life, we change certain habits that we did with respect to our ancestors and that led to these factors how anxiety, depression and other types of illnesses are on the increase the further we move away from the things for which we have evolved, it has worked; which means that we were made to function being outside and we spend probably less than an hour less than half an hour a day outside in the sun in our daily lives and that obviously has a cost, it has a cost in the form of deregulation of our hormonal cycle and also has a dysregulation of energy levels and the cycle, which is called circadian, which is the cycle that regulates sleep and wakefulness.

If you think about the sun, obviously you are going to think about vitamin D and that is very good, because many of the patients who have symptoms of depression or anxiety notice a huge improvement when they correct their vitamin D deficiency and this is logical to understand that the man in the Paleolithic era consumed 4000 units of vitamin D per day and today he consumes 200, you do not need to understand any medicine to realize that now we are consuming 20 times less of that substance, with which everything that has to do with the effectiveness of this substance in our central nervous system will suffer because you do not have enough vitamin D.

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The third crucial factor is sleep, it is not about being able to sleep 8 or 10 hours per day, it is about increasing the quality of sleep, in fact if you improve the quality of sleep even if you sleep five hours a night, you will achieve a symptomatic improvement even without increasing the number of hours, which will always be recommended, but I always try to keep myself from the fact that we live in a reality and we have to get by with the tools we have.

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The fourth element that you can use to your advantage to improve anxiety and mood is any type of training, especially brain and neurological training to avoid what is called Rumination, one of the most important factors that stimulate anxiety symptoms. And depression is the rumination of thought, rumination means, when I am thinking about something bad and I cannot get it out of my head and I continually turn to this topic, without stopping thinking about the subject and without being able to change my mind. mental focus of attention to another topic, then the trick to stop rumination and stop thinking about something that I do not want to constantly think about, is going to have to do with you being able to change your focus of attention with other activities that normally do not do, with experiencing new things, among other activities, what you always dreamed of doing.

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The last point is the one that in my view more importance and more effect is going to have in generating an improvement in the symptoms of anxiety and depression and has to do with social interaction, what I mean by this, that we come hundreds of thousands of years evolving to function as animals that live in community and we break that community scheme by modifying habits that we had been having for hundreds of thousands of years.

What is the solution for this, to generate in people a group activity in which they generate interaction and that results in a bond and a sense of belonging to a group with different people, we are talking about doing something extremely simple such as doing a group activity, gardening, photography, whatever you want, generating a bond with the people around you, recovering that sense of connectivity and belonging that you were originally made to generate and have and that we lost due to a question that has to do with our moral values, with our practical reality of the current day to day and other examples.

I encourage you to go to the previous posts to inform you of other topics and have a better view of everything explained.

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