Will we reach type I civilization in 2371?

in Popular STEM2 years ago

Will we reach type I civilization in 2371?


The next topic takes us to the depths of the future of humanity, if we manage to survive a nuclear war or something that Carl Sagan called technological adolescence, that is, the problems that arise when developing technologies such as killer robots even bombs that can destroy the planet, technologies that could go wrong and end us.

Can we master these technologies and use them for the good of humanity or can we use them to create disastrous wars, that is one of the great debates of the future and of reality.


An international group of scientists specifically from the US, China, Poland and India has studied the different ways we have of obtaining energy and has calculated when we will reach the level of civilization type 1 on the Kardashev scale, this is an astronomer very prestigious russian who was a friend and collaborator of carl sagan, well according to the calculations of this international team of scientists if we do not kill each other before in a nuclear war we could reach the level of civilization type 1 in the year 2371.


I am a little amazed at the precision of these scientists, luckily they have not said the month and day; the study analyzes the consumption, the energy supply, the three important energy sources such as fossil fuels, we are of course talking about coal, oil, natural gas, it also studies nuclear energy and renewable energies, they also considered the environmental limitations arising from the convention framework of the united nations on climate change, the international energy agency and other parameters that could therefore imply greater energy production and greater progress or greater or lesser development depending on the circumstances.


According to that study, we would be able to reach the type 1 level of civilization in the year 2371, we must bear in mind that this is not the first time that this calculation has been made, Carl Sagan, for example, made a calculation that humanity was almost at level 1 , carl sagan's calculation is from 1973, i calculate that we are a type 07 civilization and more recently theoretical physicist michio kaku suggested that we could reach type 1 in about 100 to 200 years.


Type 2 in a few thousand years and type 3 in a period of between 100 thousand to a million years, it must be said that the researchers who are in the news now did not take into account fusion energy, if energy is developed of fusion, that is, fusing hydrogen atoms, doing what the sun does, we could reach the type 1 level long before the year 2371, we could reach it in a matter of 100 years.

Study Source

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