Total Eclipse, A once in a lifetime opportunity.

in Popular STEM3 months ago

Total Eclipse, A once in a lifetime opportunity.

In this publication I will tell you where the total solar eclipse on April 8 of this year will pass, and believe me that it is not only the moon hiding the sun and the darkness, that in itself is amazing, because in an eclipse phenomena happen. throughout the journey, and you won't want to miss it.

And the fact is that, in a little more than a week, on April 8 there will be a total solar eclipse that will cover Mexico, the United States and a little bit of Canada and I can only say that if you have the opportunity to go to any of the places where totality is going to occur, that is, where the sun is going to be completely covered by the moon, do it, the work is missing, quit, do what you have to do, it will probably be the only opportunity in your life that you will have to see an eclipse total solar.

Believe me, it's one of those few things that no matter how incredible I may describe them to you, when you experience them they are much cooler than you thought.

This is the strip of the territory that runs through totality, the shaded circle indicates the area where there will be totality, outside that strip the eclipse will only be partial, it will begin shortly after 11 in the morning, touching the territory of Mexico.

It passes through Sinaloa, Masatlán is within totality, it advances to reach the city of Durango, where totality will arrive shortly after 12 pm central time, Nasas will be the town where the eclipse will last the longest with 4 minutes and 28 seconds , the totality then reaches Gómez Palacio and Torreón at 12:16 and passes to the state of Coahuila where it will arrive at 4 Ciénegas at 12:21, then it will pass through Monclova where it will last less because it is almost at the limit of the circle to the border cities from Piedras Negras and Ciudad Acuña at 12:27 and passes into the United States through the state of Texas.

Skimming a part of San Antonio and Austin, Dallas, Texarcana, Little Rock Indianapolis, Dayton, Cleveland, Buffalo, a part of Quebec already in Canada and goes out to the Atlantic passing through the Newfoundland L and Labrador Islands; It crosses three countries but Mexico will be where the totality will last the longest and there is a greater chance of having good weather, that is, clear skies.


And remember to never see the sun without a certified filter, the partial phases of the eclipse, that is, when the moon only covers a part of the sun, should only be observed with special filters, not with x-rays, nor with dark lenses, nor with obsidians, nor reflected on some surface; If you don't have a certified filter to see the sun, don't see it.

Shade 14 welding glasses can work, but at your own risk because they are not tested to filter infrared or ultraviolet light, if you have a certified filter for your camera or telescope Remember that the filter is placed in front of the main element, if the filter If you put it behind you, the Light will be amplified and the filter will no longer be of any use, this will burn your cornea and retina, causing Instant and Irreversible blindness.

And if you put a camera instead of your eye, it's going to ruin the sensor, it's going to burn it, so prepare ahead of time, it's this April 8th.


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