The Star “head of the demon”.

in Popular STEM2 months ago

The Star “head of the demon”.

There is a star with such strange behavior that even the ancient Egyptians recorded it, its name is Algol, such changes were something strange and disturbing for the ancients because they thought that all stars were immutable, they belonged to the celestial kingdom, to the kingdom of the gods. , so discovering a star that varied for some reason, a terrible reason.

In ancient times the algol cycles, which are almost exactly 68 hours and 49 minutes, could only be interpreted as a manifestation of the Devil, later in time in the era when Egypt was ruled by descendant of Greeks, the Alexandrian astrologer Ptolemy refers to Algol as the gorgon of the hero Perseus and it is also associated with something terrible, with death by decapitation and the Chinese also had their explanation about this star, an explanation also Terrible and dark, they called it “Darling ” which means mausoleum, place where corpses are housed.

Astronomers have known since the 1880s that in reality what we see is not the product of a devil or other supernatural being, in fact they discovered that at goal it did not vary, its brightness was always the same, the point is that it is not a single star. There are several, mainly two, one much less bright than the other, periodically that less bright star passes in front of the main star and from our point of view the brighter star reduces the brightness that we see, so far what was discovered in the 19th century but this story becomes complicated and in the end it turns out that it has an implication that affects us, an implication that affects the history of the solar system.

In the 19th century explanation there was a problem, although it was generally correct with the improvement of telescopes it was discovered that there were other small variations in brightness, What were those variations, planets, other smaller stars in 2021 a study published in astrophysical journal came to the conclusion that Algol, which is a large star with 5.8 solar masses, was the center of a multiple star system of at least five smaller stars, all of them of different brightness and these are the ones that cause the variations we see.

At the end of the 90s, a study was published based on data from the Hipparcos space observatory. Hipparcos was an astrometric satellite launched by the European space agency, which means that it was dedicated to measuring the movements of the stars, in fact, many of them. , of more than 2 and a half million stars, which were less than 490 light years from us, these researchers discovered that Algol, which is currently 92.8 light years from us, passed 7.3 million years ago Only 9.8 light years from us, it would be the queen of the night at that time since its brightness would be greater than the brightness of the star Sirius, which is currently the brightest star in the night sky.

It was the time in which there was a common ancestor from which the first hominids from which humans descended emerged, despite the great distance of 9.8 light years, the Algol Pass, which we remember is much more massive than the sun, along with its array of stars and supposedly its cloud of comets, which should also be much larger than ours, this step is believed to have altered the outer part of the solar system, which is thought to extend up to almost a light year in diameter. distance.

It is the region known as the Oor cloud, which is our comet cloud that surrounds the solar system and where billions of comets live. There is currently no evidence that 7.3 million years ago there was an increase in comets. comet impacts, but it is a curious theory that shows us that in the cosmos everything is in motion, everything changes and some things that move can end up having an influence.

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The story of Algol, or the "Demon Star" as it was known in ancient times, is a fascinating example of how human understanding of the cosmos has evolved. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese all had their own interpretations of Algol's strange behavior, attributing its variability to supernatural causes. These interpretations highlight how our ancestors sought to explain the unknown with the tools and knowledge they had at the time.

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