The most sought after place on the moon

in Popular STEMlast year

The most sought after place on the moon

Screenshot from the movie Ad Astra, shows the conflict that could be on the moon. Recommended movie.

We live in a race for the conquest of the moon, between the United States and its allies on the one hand, and China and Russia on the other, the moon has 37.7 million square kilometers, that is like the surface of Africa and Australia, Together or twice the area of ​​South America plus Mexico, it is a lot of area. It seems that there should be no problems and that there is room for everyone, but it turns out that there are some places that are special.

The determining factor is the presence of water ice in order to establish a human base, water is essential to drink but also to grow food and extract oxygen and hydrogen, materials necessary to breathe or create rocket fuel.

Water is right now the most valuable resource on the moon and there is a very special site in the Shackleton crater, located at the South Pole of the moon, which has aroused the interest of both the United States and China, since it is believed that in the subsoil of the zone can exist a great amount of water ice.

NASA plans to send the Volatiles Research Polar Exploration Rover or Viper by its acronym in English later this year. Viper will be the first mission to map resources in another Celestial body China plans to send a probe to the same place in the year 2026 and also plans as a goal to build a basic lunar research station in the year 2028.

The teams of both nations are going to explore the same area, I don't have much hope that it will be different from Earth and they will end up as proposed in the movie Ad Astra with lunar pirates and conflict zones; they will most likely end up crashing.

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