The main bug to correct.

in Popular STEMlast year

The main bug to correct.


Last April 20 was an epic date for all space fans, since the StarShip ship was launched, one of the objectives of the test was that the rocket and the ship had separated as scheduled and both parts had to be recovered and reused, this did not happen unfortunately the starship did not separate and those responsible for the mission had to give the order to self-destruct the ship and the rocket.

According to the SpaceX company statement, with a test like this, success comes from what we learn and today, a lot has been learned about the vehicle and the ground systems that will help us improve in future flights of the starship.

"Success comes from what is learned" and the tests are because to try things it doesn't have to go right the first time, in fact, the strange thing is that something new and revolutionary greets you right the first time.


Elon Musk was aware of the risks and warned that the chances of success were 50%, because you can make many plans, many analyses, take out computer models or ask artificial intelligence, but in the end the Empire of reality prevails, the real facts are the ones that rule and in the real world there are many factors that are not discovered until what you want to do is put to the test.

Human intelligence is used to develop plans, but above all it has served us throughout evolution to improvise, learn from failures and correct mistakes. It is our ability to improve that has allowed us to evolve as a species and technologically.

The technology of the StarShip of the Super Heavy rocket, its engines and other elements are something new and therefore they run the risk of suffering failures and of the failures that have been committed, we are going to focus on the most obvious and perhaps it is the one that would have been. could have been prevented before launch, I am referring to the destruction of the launch pad.


The tremendous power of the engines left a crater on the platform, destroyed it and Elon Musk said on Twitter his other company, that the damage can be repaired in about two months, but it will not help to return to the previous structure, this is something that has to be done To change radically, a larger, more solid structure must be created to support launch ignition.

Keep in mind that the entire system surrounding the starship is expected to be reusable, so it doesn't make sense to destroy a platform with each launch and have to wait several months for a new one.

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