The largest asteroid to pass this year.

in Popular STEM2 years ago

Exclusive on steemit - The largest asteroid to pass this year.


The Asteroid that will pass closest to us this week will be 2013 KS1, it is very small, the size of a truck since it is between 12 to 26 meters and will also pass a million kilometers, all the others will pass even further, but the most interesting by far for astronomers and astronomy buffs alike is 1989 JA which is the size of a mountain, or a floating island because it is 1.8 kilometers in diameter.

It will be the largest to pass near us this year, it will do so on May 27 at a very safe 4 million kilometers, to be exact 4240666, it is a very safe distance and enough for professional astronomers and also amateurs to observe it , perhaps even some radar images can be achieved that allow us to see its shape very many.

These two are only a small part of the immense number of asteroids that are out there, because on the international day of steroids in June 2019 an asteroid hunt began where citizens or science enthusiasts could participate, in fact they participated more than 10,000, what they did was analyze data from the Hubble Space Telescope.


Some media have called it garbage data, but in reality none of the data that this space telescope collects is garbage, what happens is that there is a lot of material, a lot of data, that cannot be collated and analyzed correctly, these astronomers and these amateurs science have analyzed a total of 37 thousand composite images taken between April 2002 and March 2021 by the space telescope and have managed to identify 1700 traces of asteroids, most of them are small, but these asteroids that they have discovered can help us investigate further about the origins of the solar system, the origins of the planets and of course they can help us improve our planetary defense system.

And when an asteroid collides with us, this has always been happening, material is constantly falling from space, in the order of 100 tons per month, but almost all of it is dust, asteroids that make noise or strong flashes of more than one meter in diameter they usually fall in half a dozen a year, what happens is that they usually fall in ocean areas or in desert areas that is why we do not usually find out about it and larger asteroids such as the Chelyabinsk one of about 14 kilometers in diameter are estimated to they usually fall every 5 or 6 years, it also usually happens on desert areas or ocean areas; The one in Cheliábinsk had bad luck that fell on a populated area and the shock wave, not the asteroid itself, caused so much damage and so many injuries.

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