The best images of Sunspots

in Popular STEMlast year

The best images of Sunspots


Sunspots have been in the news this week, but what's inside them, what are sunspots; They are dark regions because obviously we see them as black, they are a little colder than the rest of the sun's surface about 2000 degrees less, but that difference in temperature is what makes us see them as black, actually if we were to take out a sunspot from the sun we would see it as bright as we see the sun itself, because there within the sunspot there are still about 3,726 degrees Celsius of temperature.

It turns out that on May 19 the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope of the United States National Science Foundation has published new images of the sun, it shows a variety of sunspots, but it is that the samples are so close that it seems that we submerged within them.

The images that this Observatory takes of the sun are impressive, What can be seen is a bright head that is on the edges of the threads, they are called threshold points, they are incandescent balls of plasma that rise and fall in the dark heart of the sunspot, each of these balls has a size Approximately from the Iberian Peninsula, they are huge balls of plasma.


The researchers believe that they are turbulent convention cells that extract heat from about 1000 km below, it is the same thing that we see in boiling water pots, those plasma balls would be like bubbles in boiling water, the study of those balls of Plasma is going to be very important in the future because it will make it possible to predict when a solar flare will explode and in this way we will be able to better forecast space weather and have a more accurate and precise forecast of when a new Carrington event may arrive, for example.

These images are very important for predicting space weather, for predicting how powerful a sunspot outburst might be and whether it's pointing at Earth, and so we can prepare and avoid trouble as long as we're alert, as long as we have our system our non-outdated reinforced power grids which is one of the big problems in many countries whose power grids are very outdated and cannot withstand not only a solar storm but a simple normal electrical storm.

In addition, every day the satellites are providing us with technology that allows them to be more resistant to these events, but in the past there were tremendous events, not only the Carrington event or even bigger events like the Charlemagne event, events that we are starting to have data and which is beginning to investigate.

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