Strange phenomena in the sky.

in Popular STEM2 years ago

Strange phenomena in the sky.


So far there is no official confirmation of what was captured by this camera at the Japan National Observatory, located on top of the Mauna Kea volcano in Hawaii, but we can assume that these spirals in the sky have something to do with SpaceX, because the two incidents coincide with Falcon 9 rocket launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California a few minutes earlier.

Probably there is not and will not be a confirmation from SpaceX because both incidents involved military satellite launches and probably their client, the United States Department of Defense, does not want them to give information that could reveal something about their trajectory or the nature of the load they carried.

This is quite normal. The US, Russia and China have secret military payload launches all the time, the bright spirals captured by the Japanese observatory in Hawaii could be due to something called the twilight phenomenon.


This phenomenon occurs when a rocket is launched a little before sunrise or a little after sunset, although at ground level it is already night and the sky looks dark, a high-altitude rocket may still be illuminated by sunlight and The gases expelled from their engines, as well as unburned fuels, expand at high speed due to the lack of atmospheric pressure and create spectacles such as the following:

Particles from combustion, unburned fuel or propellant reflect sunlight and glow against the dark sky as upper atmosphere wind currents create the most amazing shapes.


The spirals in the sky are nothing new in fact, there was a similar incident on December 9, 2009 that was seen throughout the territory of Norway and northern Sweden, it lasted about 10 minutes and was well documented in photographs and in videos recorded with phone quality from 2009, for a whole day there was much speculation that it will be an anomalous Aurora borealis, it will be a transdimensional portal created, by the recently launched large hadron collider, which was the novelty in those days or the old reliable ones aliens, fortunately 26 hours after the phenomenon all theories were discarded because the Russian defense minister said it was us.

An intercontinental ballistic missile called a Bulova capable of carrying nuclear bombs 10,000 kilometers away, but in this case obviously unarmed, misfired and was propelled sideways, causing it to spin into a spiral as its gases expanded.


This tells us that perhaps something similar could have happened with the launches of SpaceX's military missions and since they are secret they cannot admit or confirm anything.

In the falcon rocket user manual, it says that "the customer can request that the separation of the charge be done by rotating", as far as I know, this is sometimes done to give it stability and it is what best explains the spirals, for a few seconds they turn on the thrusters that control the spin, until they reach the desired angular velocity and then turn them off, leaving relatively small spirals instead of the endless spiral that left the Russian rocket out of control.



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