Stephen Hawking's party for time travelers.

in Popular STEM5 months ago

Stephen Hawking's party for time travelers.


If nothing moved, if nothing changed at the level of atoms, subatomic particles, if nothing moved, time would exist, if there was no change, time would exist, is one of the issues that is sometimes raised not only by scientists but even by scientists. on a philosophical level.

It also makes us wonder about time travel, if you could travel in time to change history, to what time you were, you could only transport your body, without weapons, or heavy machinery and only your intelligence and your knowledge of the past, to where would it go from all the time in the past, you could go to a specific moment, it would have to be a specific moment that you could alter or modify with your normal human actions.

There are times when you could go and kill someone before they became a dangerous and powerful Adolf Hitler type figure or without having to kill someone you can convince another person not to do something that could kill them and so they could live and change history or what to do to prevent him from making a fatal mistake in his destiny and also change history.

There is a place in time where I can go where I don't need to talk and where I don't have to kill anyone and I would also eat for free, and with that I would also change the history of humanity forever that moment would be Sunday, June 28, 2009, To begin with, the year 2009 is a time that we can know, so I could move calmly, I would go specifically at 12 in the morning on that day, I would only have to enter through the door of a room at the University of Cambridge and present a invitation and greet a person who would be there, a person who would surely make a very surprised face.

He would be surprised in some way, he would express his surprise, that person who was called Stephen Hawking at that time, would sit me down and start eating, that day Stephen Hawking organized a secret party and only when the party was over he sent out the invitations for that party with the intention of having a Time Traveler attend, that simple action of entering, saying hello and starting to eat would demonstrate that time travel is possible and would revolutionize our understanding of the universe or the multiple universes that could exist.

That is the date where I would go, not only because with my normal human abilities and my little knowledge of the language and my little knowledge of the environment, imagining that you traveled to ancient Rome, you could move around ancient Rome was going to be a little complicated, no. You know the uses and customs, but the year 2009 is a place that I could know quite well, go to London, enter there and say hello to Stephen Hawking, what better and start eating.


The point is that no one went to that party and that immediately means three things, because, although it may seem like a somewhat nice, trivial thing, throwing a party for time travelers, it is actually also an experiment, The first is that trips to the past are not possible, the second is that humans became extinct before inventing a time machine, it is also possible.

The third and the most shadowy. that time travel is possible and suppose that, and I am the traveler but that by going to the party I would be creating a new timeline, that is, in my present self in 2024 no one went to that Stephen Hawking party, for Therefore, time travel in my timeline has not been possible, at least for now until 2024, perhaps in the future some system will be invented.

But if I manage to travel in time and I manage to go to that party I would end up creating a different timeline, this raises the question that then what value would traveling the past have, my simple presence in 2009 would be creating a different present and my future would be that of 2024 The one I left from would not change and it is even possible that I could never return to my 2024 from which I left and the same thing happens if we travel to the future and return to our present.


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