Scientific review, overweight as a factor in the appearance of osteoarthritis.

in Popular STEM2 months ago

Scientific review, overweight as a factor in the appearance of osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that causes swelling, pain and stiffness from injuries to the articular cartilage, thus affecting people's ability to move without limitations and of course also to do physical and sports activity, despite the fact that Osteoarthritis is a disease that people commonly associate with people of advanced age and sedentary lives, the truth is that it can affect any of us, including those of us who run regularly.

For its appearance there are factors that we cannot modify, such as genetics, there is an aspect that is scientifically proven to have a great influence and that we can modify and that is body overweight. To date, there are many scientific studies published that demonstrate the direct association. between overweight and osteoarthritis.

But we are not only talking about osteoarthritis of the knees but of other joints as well and this occurs because, on the one hand, for our body structure, supporting a weight of, for example, 65 or 70 kg is not the same as supporting one of 90, 95 or 100 kg. and the greater the weight of our body, the greater the wear and tear suffered by the cartilage of the joints of our body, including the knees.

This is not the only reason; on the other hand, people who are significantly overweight tend to have altered hormonal levels in their blood, which promote inflammation and accelerate the wear of cartilage. In this way, being overweight not only increases the risk of osteoarthritis in our bodies. knees but also in joints such as the elbows or fingers of the hands that do not support our body weight.

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