Scientific review; health effects of cold showers.

in Popular STEM2 months ago

Scientific review; health effects of cold showers.

Cold showers improve our blood circulation and it is proven that taking immersion baths or cold showers on a regular basis causes an acceleration in our blood circulation, especially in the blood vessels that are closest to our skin.

The main reason why this occurs has a thermal basis: our body needs to take in a little more heat and that is why it activates this blood circulation and logically this greater blood circulation requires a greater demand for oxygen by our body. . And that is why, neither more nor less, when we suddenly jump into cold water we begin to breathe a little faster and our heart also accelerates its beat.

And as a positive consequence of this, a greater amount of nutrients, including oxygen, reach our muscles and brain thanks to this greater blood circulation.

Cold showers also help strengthen our immune system, there are many natural ways to help strengthen our immune system and one of them is cold showers. The study found that people who regularly shower with cold water are less likely to contract illnesses. And one fact that I also found interesting about this study is that it also found a psychological reason, people after showering with cold water feel healthier and stronger.

I don't need to tell you that overcoming a cold shower is often not so easy. But we also know very well that everything that is not too simple, once we overcome it, makes us feel stronger. In other words, as with training and racing, overcoming challenges every day boosts our personal confidence, whether it is a cold shower or a training session.

Study Source

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