Scientific review, citrus as a source of energy.

in Popular STEM2 months ago

Scientific review, citrus as a source of energy.

Citrus fruits, in addition to being very refreshing, are popular for giving us good doses of vitamin C, which is of great help for our health and for the proper functioning of our body.

Citrus fruits help reduce the absorption of fat in the arteries, facilitate digestion and delay premature aging of our cells, however, they are not very popular for giving us energy, however, they have a good amount, a good supply of good carbohydrates. And with this, when we consume them regularly they help us keep our energy levels high throughout the day.

This group of foods is made up of fruits such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons and limes that are normally easily available anywhere in the world and are also usually very inexpensive.

As advice, try to consume fresh fruits in their natural state, that is, avoiding processed products such as packaged juices, which often have very little fruit. You can consume these fruits whole by making juices or, for example, using lemon. to season salads or other meals or to flavor the water we drink daily.

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