Scientific Curiosity, The impact of the Solar wind

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Scientific Curiosity, The impact of the Solar wind


This image is of Comet 13p/Olbers taken on July 4 by Don Bartlett from California, it is a comet with an orbital period of 69 and a half years so according to the classification it would be within the Halley type, but what happens to the comet, which That is the question, what happens to the tail of the Comet.

What we see is the effect of a gust of solar wind that is shaking the tail of the Comet, it is literally shaking it so that you can see the power that the solar wind has, remember that the tails of Comets can be hundreds of thousands of kilometers long. length, there are comet tails that reach millions of kilometers in length.

This Comet will not be visible to the naked eye, since its closest approach will be on July 20, 2024, but at 283 and a half million kilometers from the earth and that is too far away,

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