Scientific curiosity, Proposal to update the Drake equation

in Popular STEM2 days ago

Scientific curiosity, Proposal to update the Drake equation


The Drake equation is always exciting. Those who do not know the Drake equation are an equation proposed by the radio astronomer Frank Drake, and what it does is list a series of parameters with which we could calculate the number of habitable or potentially habitable planets. habitable planets in the galaxy and also the number of possible habitable planets in the end.

Planets that have developed life and in the end planets that have been able to develop technological civilizations, obviously to make this calculation there are many parameters that we do not have, but what this new review proposes is to change some and add others based on the latest discoveries that have occurred in recent years, since there are certain issues that from our perspective on the Earth of what we know may be important for us, but perhaps they are not so important when developing a technological civilization for another species that has that lives on a planet with characteristics different from that of Earth.


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