Phenomena you will see during the solar eclipse.

in Popular STEM2 months ago

Phenomena you will see during the solar eclipse.

In a few days many people will experience a very common phenomenon on Earth, but it is rarely seen in life. In the video you can see the strip of territory that totality will occur. The shaded circle indicates the area where there will be totality, outside of That strip the eclipse will only be partial, it will begin shortly after 11 in the morning, touching the territory of Mexico.

Let's review what happens during a total eclipse, if you are in one of the places where totality will occur, I wrote down a list because there are several things and when you get excited you can forget.


When the eclipse begins, if you have a certified filter you will be able to see a small bite of the circle that is the sun, this is called first contact OC1, you will surely also be able to notice many sunspots because the sun is going through the most active moment of its cycle. 11 years and this is called the solar maximum, as the minutes pass the moon will cover the sun more and more and curiously if you are not turning to see the eclipse with a certified filter you will not realize that something is happening because the day looks normal.

It is not until the eclipse progresses that you begin to notice something strange, perhaps there is still a lot of light but the shadows look strange, if there is a tree nearby you will be able to see in the light that filters through its leaves the shape of the eclipse in fact. If you take a piece of cardboard and make a small hole in it you can see the eclipse projected on the floor, this is a safe way to see the eclipse if you don't have a certified filter.

When it is almost time for the moon to completely cover the sun, it is time to pay attention because after more than an hour of partial eclipse things are going to start happening very quickly, with a couple of minutes remaining until the second contact, which is when the When the sun is completely covered, the phenomenon of undulating shadows appears. It can be observed on the floor or large walls, preferably white, but it would be good to bring your own white sheet or large cardboard to lay on the floor.

The serpentine figures are very faint and their undulation is very fast. So it is better to see them on a clear and smooth surface. You can leave a phone pointing at the sheet for a couple of minutes before totality arrives and this way you will be able to capture a phenomenon. which is very little documented, the official name of this phenomenon is flying shadows.

In the final seconds the serpentine shadows will become more defined as everything quickly darkens.


Totality has arrived and this is the only moment where you can turn to see the eclipse without a certified filter, while your eyes get used to the darkness you will see that where a few minutes ago the sun was shining, now there is only the moon and around the solar corona is the atmosphere of the sun that we normally cannot see because it is much dimmer than the surface, less bright but hotter.

The surface of the sun has a temperature of 5,500 degrees Celsius and the corona has a temperature of 1 million degrees Celsius, which doesn't add up. And during a total eclipse, the very hot corona looks spectacular, it is also possible to see solar prominences which are gas structures that rise from the surface of the sun.

Take a moment to look around you, starting with the animals that will behave strangely, including us, the crickets will start singing, the birds will fly to the places where they sleep at night, puppies and michis will either go to sleep or lie down. They stress a lot depending on their personality.

It is also important to observe the environment if you are in a clear place without many buildings or trees around you will be able to see that on the Horizon in all directions there is light, it is the illuminated atmosphere in distant places that are outside of totality and were not darkened by this phenomenon They describe it as the 360-degree Twilight, capturing it with a drone would be great, but I feel that flying a drone in that brief and unrepeatable moment is only going to distract you from living the experience.


And by the way, if the weather where you are does not cooperate and is cloudy, do not go, totality will project the shadow of the moon in the clouds, which is also a phenomenon worth seeing, apart from the cold produced by the shadow of the moon. It can stop air currents that carry moisture into the clouds, and it's not uncommon for thin clouds to disappear during totality, just in time to let you see the spectacle, so hope dies last.

When totality ends, the sun will begin to peek over the edge of the moon and when this happens it is time to use the certified filter again, this part is called third contact and you can observe the same phenomena as before totality. totality, but in the opposite way it starts with the flying shadows, if you missed them before totality here you have a second chance to see them, the day recovers its brightness while the moon stops hiding the sun and the rest is basically the same as at the beginning but in reverse and that was it, just under 3 hours but you will have experienced an unrepeatable event that you will never forget.

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