It reaffirms that the universe is accelerating.

in Popular STEM23 days ago

It reaffirms that the universe is accelerating.

This really has no remedy, we have to change what we think about the universe, something big, extremely big, of cosmic dimensions is happening here, the expansion of the universe; The model of the universe we have was suspected to be wrong, but now it is confirmed to be wrong.

There is a new measurement that confirms previous results that were controversial, but now there is no way to back out, what is confirmed is that the Universe is expanding faster than theoretical models predict and it is also expanding more faster than it can be explained with our current understanding of physics, so there is something unknown that is acting on our universe.

Until the end of the last century until the end of the last century it was believed that the universe was expanding caused by the Big Bang and this expansion had an increasingly slower pace, typical of any expansion; having it as a reference or anything that is thrown into the air and then falls, the system was losing energy to put it in a simpler way, forgive me professional astronomers.

What was believed is that this expansion was going at an increasingly slower pace, that it was losing energy and that it would reach a point perhaps not very distant in time, perhaps very little was missing in which the gravitational attraction, the traction of the masses of the Galaxies of the galaxy clusters of all the matter in the universe would end up winning, which would reach a point where the expansion would stop, gravity would win the battle and the universe would concentrate again to possibly become a singularity again sorry again and bounce off into a new Big Bang.

That is the theory of the Big Rebound, our universe would then undergo cycles of expansion and contraction and the Big Bang would simply be a rebound point that gives rise to a new universe in a cycle of infinite universes, where perhaps each one varies a little. laws of nature or universal constants; They vary a little from one to another, changing a little. There were also other theorists who stated that the universe would continue to expand forever and everything would end in a cold void of infinite dimensions, which does not explain why the universe originated, but it would explain the End. From the universe.


So the universe would be a single event in that theory, it would be a single event that began in a moment and would have a cold and empty end in an infinite expansion; There are other theories, but the current scientific consensus is that the universe, the final destiny of the universe depends on how much dark energy it contains, dark energy is what causes the expansion of the universe, if there is little dark energy, gravity wins and then the Universe It is concentrated at one point and it will bounce back, if there is a lot of dark energy the universe would continue expanding forever, that's how the astronomers were calm, when we know how much there is we already know if it is one thing or another.

But in 1998 the universe gave us a slap in the face of reality and reality is more complicated and complex and strange than we imagined, that year 1998 it was discovered that the Universe is expanding more and more rapidly, not that it is expanding more and more slowly as previously it was thought that it expanded more slowly because there was little dark energy and therefore gravity was gaining or it was expanding unlimitedly because there was a lot of dark energy, but No, what was discovered is that the Universe is expanding rapidly.

And something even more strange, this acceleration has not occurred since the beginning of the universe for some completely unknown reason. Currently there was a start of acceleration, it occurred only 5000 million years ago, I say only as if it were yesterday but well it is that 5 billion years ago the universe was already mature, there were galaxies, there were planets, there were stars, the sun was being born at that time but what we know now was already there, it was not a primitive universe, what happened at that time.

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