Curvature engines for spacecraft.

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Curvature engines for spacecraft.

The concept of warp engines has always fascinated scientists and science fiction fans. In 1994, Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre proposed a theoretical model of a warp engine that would allow a spacecraft to travel faster than light, compressing the space ahead and expanding it. the space behind, but for this it would be necessary to create an energy field with a density lower than the vacuum, something that seems impossible with current physics.

Now a team led by Jared Fuchs of the Advanced Propulsion Laboratory in Applied Physics has found an interesting solution, published in the journal Applied Physics, the details of the study present a warp motor that operates at a constant speed, although still below the speed of light using only positive energy and conventional physics.

The Advanced Propulsion Laboratory which houses some of the world's leading physicists has been exploring warp drives for years and uses advanced techniques from the theory of general relativity to manipulate space-time and create new methods of propulsion.

The open source Warb Factory tool was essential to simulate this special physics and develop the model and possible solutions for the warp engine, this new approach combines a stable outer layer of matter with a distribution of displacement vectors inside, similar to the previous models such as the Alcubierre metric.

Lead author Jared Fuchs comments: “This study changes the conversation about warp engines, by demonstrating an unpublished model we show that warp engines may not be relegated to science fiction, this solution eliminates the need for exotic energy sources, showing a "most realistic path for interstellar travel."

According to the Applied Physics website, the new study led to the formation of a theoretical method of space travel that is in accordance with general relativity and operates at a speed below the constant speed of light, without requiring non-physical forms of subject.

The researchers plan to continue investigating this method by optimizing the mass-velocity relationship and exploring efficient ways to accelerate the thrust without breaking the laws of physics, the goal is to advance further in the understanding and practical application of spatial curvature theories. , since the new model changes the conversation about curvature motors something unprecedented until now curvature motors that can leave the field of science fiction and become an impressive reality.

We are witnessing an exciting moment in the technical-scientific field, although it is still entirely theoretical in nature, the possibility of curvature engines is no longer just a distant dream, with these advances who knows if one day we will be able to explore the universe with the same ease with which we travel between continents.

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