Curiosities of the eclipse of May 15/16.

in Popular STEM2 years ago (edited)

Curiosities of the eclipse of May 15/16.


The eclipse that happened was perfectly seen in much of North America and South America, in this total lunar eclipse is when the moon falls within the darkest part of the earth's shadow called the umbra.

When the moon enters the umbra zone it will turn a reddish tone, as in this case, and hence its name blood moon, this eclipse was much redder than usual due to the dust and ashes thrown by the volcano Tonga into the atmosphere during its January 15 eruption, it is estimated that it spewed 400 million kilograms of ash deep into the stratosphere, forming a veil that made the eclipse redder than ever.


No special equipment was needed to observe the lunar eclipse, the moon was easily seen although of course if you had binoculars or a telescope you could see it in more detail and it is always nice to see the mountains and lunar craters that are otherworldly landscapes.

The same phenomenon that makes our sky blue and our sunsets red, makes the moon red during a lunar eclipse is called rayleigh scattering and light travels in waves because of the different colors of light as they have different physical properties, light at its blue has a shorter wavelength and is more easily scattered by particles in the earth's atmosphere than red light, which has a longer wavelength.


Red light on the other hand travels more directly through the atmosphere, when the sun is up we see blue light all over the sky, but when the sun is setting the sunlight must pass through more of the atmosphere and travel farther before reaching reach our eyes, that's why we see sunsets in reddish or yellowish colors.

During a lunar eclipse the moon turns red because the only sunlight that reaches the moon passes through the earth's atmosphere so the more dust or clouds there are in the earth's atmosphere during the eclipse the redder the moon was and that is why all the material that the volcano spewed in that eruption was important.


One more curious fact, the spacecraft lucy that is currently traveling to study the trojan asteroids of jupiter, turned its camera towards the earth to observe the eclipse for five hours, it will be a curious sight because the spacecraft is now at 96 million and a half kilometers away and in this way astronomers want to have an image of what they look like in a lunar eclipse from such a distant distance, perhaps it will help us to discover details when these planets are explored with more powerful telescopes such as the james webb; perhaps we can discover exomoons orbiting distant planets in other star systems.

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