Colossal asteroid crash.

in Popular STEM2 years ago

Colossal asteroid crash.


NASA has detected the collision of two giant asteroids, but calm down because this has not been here, it has not been in the solar system and these are the images with which NASA has illustrated this news.

NASA refers to them as two celestial bodies like two giant asteroids or two planetoids and this did not happen in our solar system, it happened in the system of a very young star with an age of about 10 million years, it is called HD166191, it is located about 330 light years from us this star is larger than the sun they have 1.6 solar masses.


This star is, as I said, very young, it is only 10 million years old, it is somewhat older than the sun and around this young star a multitude of rocky bodies called planetesimals are forming, planetesimals are objects that we could compare with young or newborn asteroids since they are rocky and range from a kilometer in diameter, to a few hundred kilometers in diameter.

When they pass a few hundred kilometers in diameter, a rocky body begins to act on gravity and gravity gives it a spherical shape and causes the materials of that body to organize themselves in layers, causing the densest to be located in the center of that object, of that planetoid and when it reaches that level, astronomers call them protoplanets.


Protoplanets are the germs of future planets, for example in our solar system it is believed that Ceres is one of the surviving protoplanet protocols of the planet formation period.

Astronomers using nasa's spitzer space telescope deactivated on january 30, 2020, unfortunately but still giving thanks to the incredible amount of data it has collected continues to give new discoveries, astronomers have found evidence of collisions around young stars in the past, but those past observations didn't provide much detail about the collisions or what the size of the objects involved were like.

But what is now news is that the study that has been published in the Aastrophysical Jjournal, where a group of astronomers from the University of Arizona, does provide more precise data on this type of collision, since they have managed to observe the cloud of debris from one of these cosmic collisions.


Thanks to the moment when the cloud passed in front of its star and briefly blocked out the light, astronomers call this a transit, but it may be difficult to determine which objects collided with, astronomers relied on knowledge of size, brightness of the star and calculated the size of the cloud shortly after the impact and finally observed the speed with which the cloud was dispersing, with this the astronomers were able to estimate the size of the objects that collided and have calculated that they were quite large About 530 kilometers in diameter, it is comparable to the giant asteroid Vesta that lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

They have also calculated that the collision must have pulverized the two original objects creating enough energy and heat to vaporize some of the material and disperse fragments and create new asteroids, what has been seen in this star 330 light-years away is an example of how it was the solar system when it was barely 10 million years old.

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