China wants to create the deepest well

in Popular STEMlast year

China wants to create the deepest well

Chinese engineers have begun to drill a well with which they intend to reach a depth of 11,100 meters. The earth's crust is the surface layer that we inhabit, it is rocky and seems very solid to us, but it is a very thin layer compared to the rest of the planet. and is composed of a continental crust with an average thickness of about 35 kilometers and a much thinner oceanic crust of about 6 kilometers thick.

The Chinese well is located inside the Tarlamacán Desert in the Tarín Basin, it is believed that this deep basin contains large reserves of oil and natural gas, drilling will not be easy, it is estimated that the necessary pipes will have a final weight of 2000 tons will have to cross 10 continental strata including one from the Cretaceous era.


So far the depth record is held by the Kola super deep well in northern Russia, near Norway and Finland. It was drilled during the Soviet era. It was started in May 1970. It reached 12,262 meters deep. The Soviets found there. rocks older than 2.7 billion years at 6,000 meters they found microscopic fossils of plankton below they surprisingly discovered that the rock was fractured and saturated with water, but it was a different water and different from what we know it must have come from the minerals of the deep crust and that water has never been able to reach the surface due to the impermeable layer of rock that exists.

Another unexpected finding by the Soviets was the large amount of hydrogen mixed with the bottom flowing from the hole, those were just some of the strange things the Soviets found in the 1970s in kola, which the Chinese will now discover on their journey inside. from the earth.


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