Another country in the space race.

in Popular STEMlast year

Another country in the space race.

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One of the nations that is surprising for its ambitious space program is the United Arab Emirates, on Monday May 29 the Emir of Dubai Chief Mohamed Bin announced that his nation will send a mission to explore the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter through a space probe that will be launched in March 2028.

The mission will last 13 years and will have as its first objective the 2.2 km wide Westerwald asteroid that it would reach in February 2030, then another 5 asteroids would go until finally arriving in October 2034 at the rare 53.6 km Justitia asteroid in diameter, the strange thing is because it is a very red asteroid, it is believed that it is because it is covered in organic compounds in a similar way to the objects that are beyond Neptune, the most distant of the planets in the solar system.

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It is very possible that Justitia is an asteroid that formed far in the outer solar system and that for some reason approached traveling billions of kilometers until it was inside the asteroid belt, according to the mission's scientific leader, this asteroid could also have water ice in abundance, which means that it would possess the complete package of essential elements for the recipe of life, organic molecules and water.

Many scientists affirm that it was asteroids like Justitia that brought water and organic molecules to earth so that life could arise here. Perhaps that asteroid is one of the last primordial seeds of the ancestral times of the solar system.

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