Scientific review, eggs to lose and control weight.

in Popular STEM3 months ago

Scientific review, eggs to lose and control weight.


Eggs can help you lose body weight as they are very satiating, very filling, in addition to being incredibly rich in nutrients, eggs are highly satiating mainly due to their protein content, as I have known foods that are higher in protein reduce appetite and increase satiety much more compared to those foods that provide less protein, especially those that contain more carbohydrates.

Different studies have repeatedly shown that eggs, especially when combined with a source of fiber, promote the feeling of satiety and reduce food intake during subsequent meals compared to other foods of the same caloric content. In addition, there are studies that have shown that consuming A diet rich in protein can reduce appetite by about 15%, something that can also help reduce those desires to eat between meals that often lead us to consume very unhealthy foods.

Other studies have proven that eggs can also help us speed up our metabolism and this is because they contain a very good balance of all the essential amino acids that our body needs and this means that our body can very easily use the proteins in eggs. for its maintenance and metabolism.

Eating a high-protein diet has been shown to increase metabolism by between 80 and 100 calories each day through a process called the “thermal effect of food,” which is simply the energy our body uses to digest and metabolize. foods and this required energy is greater in proteins than in the case of carbohydrates and fats.

And this ultimately means that protein-rich foods like eggs can help us burn more calories and thus promote weight loss. In addition, eggs are an excellent way to start each day.

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