Virus that causes multiple sclerosis.

in Popular STEM3 years ago

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Harvard University under investigation was able to detect that the virus that causes this disease is Epstein-Barr, the so-called kissing disease, this infection causes mononucleosis. This research was carried out with the recruitment of United States military, where 955 were identified with Multiple Sclerosis.

This is a disease that is chronic inflammatory in the central nervous system attacking the myelin sheaths, which protect our neurons in the brain and spinal cord.


One suspect is EBV, which can cause lifelong and latent infectious mononucleosis.

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are felt after around the age of ten, once you have the Epstein Barr virus infection.

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To analyze the connection that exists between both diseases, serum samples were taken from the military and analyzed every two years, thus leaving evidence of the presence of kissing disease infection in a first sample and the relationship that this entails and appearance of the MS while the military carry out their period of military service.

Thanks for reading my post😉

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