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RE: Arte y escritura/ Semana 108/ Edmundo ganó

Velen wereldwijd zullen zich hierin herkennen. Naties gaan ten onder door de hand van? Verkiezingen zijn al meer dan 20 jaar Schijn stromingen waarbij stemmen verdwijnen.
Ik hoop dat die brief van een vriend gewaardeerd wordt. 🤐



Evidentemente, el título está vinculado a las recientes elecciones en Venezuela. El presidente saliente no quiere aceptar su derrota y existe un caos institucional en el país. Las fuerzas armadas y algunos generales son los que mantienen a Maduro en el poder político. Ellos están incumpliendo su juramento y la constitución. De allí que pensé que la imagen era propicia para recrear una carta y un amigo del generalato.
Yo también deseo que la carta sea oportuna.
Gracias por el comentario. Saludos!

It fits to us as well. We had election votes thrown away. The PM stayed and ignored the people, he stayed for more years and more telling the voters that if they do not like the country they should "fuck off) indeed he used these words and showed his true colours, he stayed, and more and more scandals, citizens imprisined, thousands of children disappeared, they pm and his ministers twice said they quiet but because there are no elections he reigns on. In the latest elections he and his party didn't win the opposite is fought and the formation three times said is impossible and of course, the same old group reigns and decides on, an unwanted uncrowned king starting wars and sending our sons and daughters to fight someone else's war. Ahh the papers state we have a modern business model government and the reign continues till the moment arrives no one knows what's going on. And there he is the unchosen one, it's all part of the game. Big Brother doesn't watch over us but the head of the secret services is suddenly the PM the man was not even electable. Welcome to NL where we all are terrorists and your bank account is closed within a minute.

What you wrote is true... We accept and accept, we love the suffering and only if we can no longer find a way out we will finally stand up, make a front and fight back! Isn't that pathetic if you consider this?


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