SEC-S16-W3 | Art inspires - The Anatomy Lesson observed by a writer

in Venezolanos Steem7 months ago (edited)

If you want to learn something
Better pay attention

Art review EN.jpg

Doctor Tulp, are you there?

The quick knock on the door startled the man behind his desk. A lady stepped inside cheerfully.

I hear you're teaching an anatomy lesson tomorrow. I would like to participate.

The doctor looked in surprise at the young female who had made the request. What woman in her right mind would want to participate in something so gruesome?

I am interested and have studied the books. She looked at him expectantly.

Miss, please don't misunderstand me, but this lesson is not for a classy lady, your sensitive system cannot handle the inside of a human body.

Nonsense! The word blurted out before she noticed.

Miss! Don't get me wrong, but studying, the science of anatomy is not for women. You will see within a year you will be married and pregnant like a good wife should be.

She glared at the haughty doctor.
You may not recognize me but you can forget about digging up bodies on the graveyard for fun from now on and if you ever want to teach again...

The doctor paled and stammered: Who are you?

I am Saskia van Uylenberg.

Slowly it dawned on Dr. Tulp who she was. He nodded and did his best to keep his voice under control.

Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, but you will have to watch from a distance and if you faint I cannot help you.

She nodded and disappeared without saying thank you.


The anatomy lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp (1632), by Rembrandt van Rijn

The next day she watched as the dressed-up students, with disgust and a handkerchief pressed to their nose, became one by one unwell as Tulp cut the naked male on the table, and we were carried outside.

Thank you, Saskia said after the lesson, it was a lot more educational than expected. You have shown with your science lesson who the weaker sex is. Goodbye, Doctor Tulp.

Without waiting for his answer, she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. Tulp was a snob and his anatomy lesson was a joke.

Art review EN.jpg

La lección de anatomía

Doctor Tulp, ¿está ahí?

El rápido golpe en la puerta sobresaltó al hombre detrás de su escritorio. Una señora entró alegremente.

He oído que mañana darás una lección de anatomía. Me gustaría participar.

El médico miró sorprendido a la joven que había hecho el pedido. ¿Qué mujer en su sano juicio querría participar en algo tan espantoso?

Estoy interesado y he estudiado los libros. Ella lo miró expectante.

Señorita, por favor no me malinterprete, pero esta lección no es para una dama con clase, su sistema sensible no puede manejar el interior de un cuerpo humano.

¡Disparates! La palabra se le escapó antes de que ella se diera cuenta.

¡Extrañar! No me malinterpretes, pero estudiar la ciencia de la anatomía no es para mujeres. Verás que dentro de un año estarás casada y embarazada como debe ser una buena esposa.

Miró al altivo doctor.
Puede que no me reconozcas, pero a partir de ahora puedes olvidarte de desenterrar cadáveres en el cementerio por diversión y, si alguna vez quieres volver a enseñar...

El médico palideció y tartamudeó: ¿Quién es usted?

Soy Saskia van Uylenberg.

Poco a poco, el Dr. Tulp se dio cuenta de quién era ella. Él asintió e hizo todo lo posible por mantener su voz bajo control.

Mañana a las diez de la mañana, pero tendrás que mirar desde lejos y si te desmayas no puedo ayudarte.

Ella asintió y desapareció sin dar las gracias.


The anatomy lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp (1632), by Rembrandt van Rijn

Al día siguiente, vio cómo los estudiantes disfrazados, con disgusto y con un pañuelo apretado contra la nariz, se enfermaban uno a uno mientras Tulp cortaba al hombre desnudo sobre la mesa y nos llevaban afuera.

Gracias, dijo Saskia después de la lección, fue mucho más educativa de lo esperado. Has demostrado con tu lección de ciencias quién es el sexo débil. Adiós, doctor Tulp.

Sin esperar su respuesta, salió de la habitación y cerró la puerta detrás de ella. Tulp era un snob y su lección de anatomía no significaba nada.

Header: Canva
Photo: public domain / see contest 
Translation: google free
I am a mobile phone user only



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Gracias por publicar en la comunidad #Venezolanossteem

¡Bienvenido! Gracias por participar en el SEC16-W3 "El arte inspira

Amigo… me he saboreado esta historia con bastante gusto , te confieso, esta genial. Me hiciste investigar el nombre de esa mujer y cuando lo encontré me morí de la risa je je je
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Verification date2023-08-01

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You are welcome.
Happy reading all those entries.

I am glad to hear you searched for the name of this lady and who she is. 🤣 I thought she deserved to be mentioned and that doctor...well my guess is he wanted to be painted! It's goid to hear I could make you laugh.

Thank you for reading and commenting.

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Kitty, your texts continue to spark endless interests and reflections in me, once again you've reminded me of a film that if you haven't seen, I beg you to watch. "Poor Things" directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, based on the novel of the same name written by Alasdair Gray. Thank you for sharing your precious texts with me.

I will look that film as soon as possible. I'm always open for a film tip and you don't need to beg me to do so. I hope I can find it on a streaming service or so. Do you like me to write a review about it as well?

Thank you for reading and commenting.

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I think the film will encourage you to write a good piece and if you do I will be happy to read it, thanks

Eso sí que estuvo bien. El Dr. Tulp jamás se imaginó que Saskia van Uylenberg, le hiciera esa jugada. Me hubiera gustado observar la reacción de Rembrandt y que esta pintura se convirtiera en película para saber qué conflicto se traían entre los tres. Quizás te lo puedas plantear @wakeupkitty y nos sorprendas con la continuación de esta historia.

Thank you for the suggestion to continue you the story. At first I intended to let the woman be Rembrandt's daughter but she died and the daughter from the second marriage wasn't born as Rembrandt painted this, so it was his wife, the poor Saskia. I thinknit's where they met and without her Rembrandt had never painted Dr. Tulp.

Thank you for reading and commenting.

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A lesson is there in your story. The doctor and the woman have a logical dialogue. It's really good to read your beautiful story here. You have matched it very well to the picture.

Wish you get succeeded in this contest friend.

I hope it matches it's all that I could think after seeing the faces of those "students". They don't look very interested. It feels to me they are just
present because they have to and to show off. It reminds me of a female who wanted to be a surgeon but wasn't allowed, she practiced on dead bodies.

Thank you for reading and commenting.

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Me tomaré el abuso de renombrar tu escrito "Una lección para el Dr. Tulp" jejeje

Leí un poco sobre Saskia a raíz de esta lectura, falleció muy joven.


It is an excellent story, cleverly told @wakeupkitty. I loved it mostly for the fact that it served as a learning lesson, but to the doctor and also because of who was in charge of giving it to him. Great!

Back than it was a lesson and today it is again. If we let everyone do what they show interest in, what makes them happy instead of being forced or the profession presents a better status, the world would be a better place and working would make peolle feel hapoy too.

Thank you for reading and commenting.

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