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RE: Tu opinión Importa #7 Abortion - Women On Waves

AI are also emojis, the banner you made and use and what you use to check me out!

Where exactly is the line between what is AI or not? I noticed many pictures are not taken by the author and those for free are frequently ook made or changed with help of AI. I am here to write, to share an opion which could be useful to know to those willing to learn or able to see 'it' from a different side.

Can you tell me why you hate me?

If you host a contest with this topic you should count on entries not sharing your opinion. If a Venezulan girl writes here about her abortion the entire group will attack het. Is that how love, understanding and respect is shown? Is love each other not the most important rule we should follow?

I find it remarkable it's fine to you I am under attack if I share what I know, hear, see and feel and if the country I live in is called a sick society. Sorry but if I read what those poor girls in Venezuela do I can only say: this is cruel, barbaric. What kind of parent let's down on his child this way? It's fine if you call me crazy but I will never understand this attitude.

I agree that if a child is not wanted prevention is the best way but there are 1001 reasons why this not be possible and it sounds to me in your country it's worse than mine.
I try to understand but I can't it must be a cultural difference. I keep asking myself why is it you mothers do not raise your sons and tell them to stay away from girls, why is it you do not give them condoms and keep blaming the girls?

All over the world we know how persistent a boy/man can be and they rarely hear "NO".

Next time I will share the photos of beaten up and raped girls and women with their files and those of an abortion and beaten up children and also the ones of children taken away by the government because the parents don't earn enough and didn't pay the next taxes... since AI is not allowed.

Thank you for brighten up my mind. You made me understand why girls are forced to put their lives at stake. And that the hate against those who dared to share their opinion and feelings is a real thing.

I wish you a happy Eastern with like minded.
Let's celebrate life. 🍀❤️

Sorry I could not take a picture of the hare outside to brighten your life. 😥


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