SEC-S16-W1 | Cultural traditions

Hey Steemian friends!

Though we live in this teeny tiny island we have a written history that spans over 2500 years! This nation is once a great civilization in the history and hence we have deeply rooted cultural traditions. Today in this contest I will share one of such events that I was fortunate to experience.

The 'parade' or 'procession' is a celebrated cultural tradition in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is known for its grandest pageant the Kandy Esala Perahera. However, before this pageant starts every village across the island hosts its own version organized by the local temple. This vibrant celebration usually unfolds between July and August, and while Buddhism is at the core of these events, it also unites all the communities together as a celebration.

Last year I was fortunate to experience such event when I visited my wife’s village and that was just fantastic! My previous attempt at witnessing the Kandy Esala Perahera went horribly wrong with the overwhelming crowd. While the majority target the big extravagant pageant with Elephants adorned in elaborate costumes, I enjoyed this personal encounter in the village to the fullest.

peacock dancer

Dancing while balancing a pot on the head

Dance representing gem miners

Stick Dancers

Traditional Dance

Hanuma Dancers

Drummers providing with vibrant beat

The greenish quiet streets of the village transform into a spectacle of lights, music, and dance. Various traditional dancers accompanied by the rhythmic beats of drums weave through the village road, carrying the sacred relic of Lord Buddha in a mini lorry. Latter in the evening papare bands overtook all the traditional event to their sub culture and dance through the city with fire jugglers.

The dancer showcasing some impressive flips

Papare bands in the end

This type of events has been organized for hundred of years now and I think this should be carried out to preserve our heritage and passed on to future generations. Failure to appreciate and preserve these cultural marvels could lead to their disappearance from our society, fading away like forgotten tales.

Me enjoying it all in from the corner of the road

The communal participation in these events creates values and bonds that strengthen the society. It remind us and tells the story of who we are fostering a sense of identity and unity.

From a tourism perspective, Kandy Esala Perahera is recognized as one of the grandest pageant in Asia. Many Europeans in particular, visit to witness this pageant and they pay premium price for the front seats. So it is evident that people love such events and those even can help to boost the economy by attracting tourists to these celebrations.

In essence, I can't help but feel grateful for being part of a culture that values its traditions. We have a huge opportunity to shares them with the world. So, here's to preserving, celebrating, and passing on the magic of our cultural heritage!

Thank you for this interesting contest @venezolanos. Looking forward to taking on the next week’s challenge. I would like to invite @shanza1, @crisvera & @hamzayousafzai to participate in this contest.

Thank you.

Peace to all 🙏

All the images are from my gallery.


As a Sri Lankan, I am delighted to see you bring our traditional procession, Kandy Perahara, to the Steemit platform.

This is actually my wife's village perahara. Though not as extravagant as Kandy perahara I had a great time here.

That is also a cultural tradition, I enjoyed your article.

Thank you @virajherath for sharing your experience of village celebration and highlighting the importance of preserving cultural traditions. You have well explained the atmoshphere there and community spirit that surrounds the events like Kandy Esala Perahera.

Its really interesting to see how such events not only enrich an area cultural heritage but also help in contribution to tourism and yes economy. Thank you friend for sharing this unqiue tradition of your area. I love reading it. Stay Blessed and best of luck :)

Indeed, events like this play a crucial role in enriching cultural heritage, fostering community spirit, and contributing to tourism and the economy. Thank you for your good wishes!

My Pleasure Stay Blessed :)

Brindo contigo porque todas estas hermosas tradiciones que distinguen la cultura de tu país, y de cada región del mundo, prevalezcan y se mantengan en el tiempo. Me han resultado bellas las imágenes y disfruté toda tu explicación de este desfile tan vistoso.

I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed the glimpse into the traditions and culture of my country. Wishing you a wonderful day! 🎉

El Kandy Esala Perahera es en verdad un espectáculo fascinante, colorido y grandioso. Los trajes pintorescos, la música, las acrobacias, todo se convierte en algo emocionante, digno de un pueblo que aprecia sus tradiciones y se dedica a cultivarlas para que perduren en el tiempo y para mostrárselas con mucho orgullo al mundo entero. Éxitos en este desafío, amigo.

The diversity of cultural celebrations is indeed fascinating, and I'm always eager to share these experiences. Thanks for the comment friend 🎉

Gracias por publicar en la comunidad #Venezolanossteem

Estimado amigo, me parece que estos desfiles tradicionales de Sri Lanka son un tesoro cultural de la humanidad. Hay allí bastante belleza y colorido.

Estupendas fotos. Interesante participación.

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Thanks for the review @enrisanti

Saludos cordiales gran amigo virajherath, un gusto para mi saludarte y leer tu participación en este reto.

Waoooo amigo que increibles fotos, los trajes, las carrozas, las comparsas, todo esta hermoso, es una traición milenaria, muchos años llevándose a cabo.

Te deseo una bonita, feliz y bendecida tarde.

I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the photos and the glimpse into the vibrant cultural celebration. Wishing you a beautiful and joyful day ahead! 🎉

Cuanta belleza y colorido hay en esos desfiles tradicionales de Sri Lanka, sin dudas uno de los mayores tesoros culturales de esa región. Deseo algún día poder ser espectador de estos desfiles.

Éxitos en el concurso.

Absolutely! Sri Lanka's traditional parades are indeed a vibrant and cultural spectacle. I hope you get the opportunity to witness one in person someday and I'll be a host if you visit Sri Lanka any day 😃

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