Concurso de Arte y Escritura #126 - THOUGHTFULL ELITE LADY

in Venezolanos Steem3 months ago (edited)

Hello my steemian friends,

This is my participation in the contest”Art and Writing Contest #126 by @solperez in Venezolanos Steem

As you have mentioned in your article, the great painter born in the 19th century Florent Marie Willems also known as Florent Willems had his first painting exhibition at the age of just 17-18 years and at such a young age he was employed as a painting restorer there, it is a great achievement for any painter to achieve this at such a young age.


link of the contest and picture

Actually, he was very much influenced by the works of the Dutch painters of the 17th century and his curiosity and understanding towards painting inspired him to adopt the style of the famous and established Dutch painters of that time.

In this painting too, he has shown an aristocratic woman wearing early 17th century attire sitting at a table and studying or thinking about a document written by herself or someone else.

A traditional grand wall can be seen in the background of the painting. The artist has depicted every detail of the woman's shiny silk dress as if it is a picture taken with a high-tech camera.

And the various surfaces of the table cover have been painted with great care and mastery through the combination of colours.

The woman's expressive gorgeous face, her hair style, the fine artwork on the walls, the woman thinking with a pen in her hand, the contemporary carving or engraved painting on the edges of the table leave no stone unturned to make them look gorgeous.

Some pieces of paper lying on the floor near the woman show that the woman is repeatedly writing her thoughts in a notebook and if she does not get satisfaction from her own thoughts, she is tearing or crushing those notes and throwing them away.

In the picture, her eyes are seen thinking with deep concentration. This painting is definitely at par with any great painting of a great Dutch painter.

I also want to invite here @josepha @tammanna @paholags and @rosselena.

Thanks for reading my post, I pray to God for the progress and happy future of all Steemians.

With Great love and honour,



¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Tu descripción sobre este cuadro me hizo pensar en que, los artistas plásticos de siglos pasados plasmaban en sus obras detalles que nos podían sensibilizar de una manera sensacional e incluso, nos enseñaban a ser detallistas en lo que estábamos observando.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Hola mi amigo erudito.
Has enviado un comentario muy bonito después de leer mi post, te expreso mi más sincero agradecimiento.
con los mejores deseos.

Saludos amigo muchas gracias por la invitación tu descripción de la pintura muy bien detallada como dices el artista plasmo todo lo que estaba alrededor de su musa y cuál cámara fotografía plasmó cada detalle muy minuciosamente

Happy New Year in advance, brother. I would like to inform you that you have once again mentioned me in a great post. I am very happy that you have drawn a picture with infinite intelligence and sweetness of painting, where the girl's dress, hair, and face are all beautifully depicted. I am very happy that you have posted and attracted me.

Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
Mi apreciado amigo, has realizado un texto descriptivo de alta factura, a partir de la obra de Florent Willems, la cual como bien has mencionado parece una fotografía. Aparte de los detalles del cuadro. El pintor refuerza la idea de que todo proceso de escritura implica tachar, romper y escribir. Me encantó leerte.

Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.

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Respected Madam,
To tell you the truth I have to be very careful while participating in your competitions, because whenever you organize a competition, you first do a lot of research about it, I feel so. And then I don't want to appear as an ignoramus in front of you. Your praise is always a reward for me.

Best wishes and respect.

Jajaja. El solo hecho de escribir desde lo más profundo del alma, me hace verlo con respeto y admiración.

Esta es la palabra correcta en tus escritos: “profundidad del alma”. También ha tocado la profundidad de mi alma.
Por eso soy tu fan.
Con respeto y honor.

Un abrazo, mi estimado amigo.

Un abrazo virtual para ti también, mi querido amigo erudito.

Your post has been supported by THE QUEST TEAM. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags


Curated by : @fjjrg

She might be writing to her ex-boyfriend since she recognized his worth in comparison to her current partner. She wants to invite his ex back and get rid of the current boyfriend. She might not know where to begin.😀

It seems you have started reading more love stories, I can agree with you too. These lovers also fight and then unite again.

I have been reading them since my young age. Have a nice day.

Hello Madam,
Now I understand where so much romance comes from in you, only a romantic man or woman has such a sentimental and simple heart.

Keep it up.

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