Your opinion Matters/Week #14/Topic of the week/

photo source: pixabay



Divorce which is known to be the break up of a marital union usually as a result of irreconcilable differences between spouses/ both partners.

Divorce involves the cancelling of the legal bonds of matrimony between two married people under the law governing a particular country or state. This rules differs from country to countries.

Issues surrounding divorce is on property sharing, child/ children custody (if it will be a shared custody or the children handed over in the care of one parent after careful conditions), child support, access to child care and so on.

The reason for this very issue, divorce is numerous and sometimes very complicated.
It could be sexual incompatibility, financial problems, infidelity of a partner, or individual differences, childlessness, domestic violence.

Unfortunately, this sad event takes a toil on the children. The whole drama is a trauma to them which makes questions like this to be raised...

If it is better for spouses to keep accommodating their unloving partners because of their kids or they should dissolve the marriage to end unresolving arising conflicts.

photo source: pixabay

Well, here is my view:

Children who grow seeing their parents having constant fights over the years, grow up not only having psychological and emotional problems but grow up with a wrong perception about marriage.

Often time, their social life is even affected and this without a doubt is a clear indication that they are affected by this unbalance in their homes.

So i will conclude that a divorce is better than living through pain and causing your children pain too, but the divorce process should be fair.

Each parent should be allowed rights to their child. Regardless of the situation, children still need both parents...


Many thanks to you @genomil and the community.

I invite my friends: @tmighty and @chinadizi to participate.


Hola amiga, gracias por tu apoyo y participación.
Me parece lo correcto, si la convivencia causa mas daño, tanto a la pareja como a los hijos, la mejor decisión es separarse por el bienestar de todos.
Es responsabilidad de los padres que después de un divorcio no descuiden el cuidado de los hijos, ambos tienen el derecho por igual y debe ser la prioridad, el bienestar de los hijos.
Saludos amiga, agradecida por compartir con nosotros tu valiosa opinión.

Thank you so much sir for this perfect conclusion.

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