Your opinion Matters| Week #15 | Old age: an ordeal? || Sharing My Opinion
Many of us believes that age is just a number but sometimes our physical disabilities for being old doesn't allow us thinking that's way. Our old age will be an ordeal or not it depends on how we use our youth and sometimes it also depend on our luck.
Some people believes that their children can be their only hope when they will be old. But does all children shows love or concern to their parents when they become old? Many children send their parents to oldage home because they have already their own family responsibilities. When you are young and work for financial stability for future then you have possibilities to enjoy the life even you are an old.
Actually I've seen many old people struggling with their disabilities and their children hardly accept their parents with their disabilities on their old age. Many old people work till the rest of life and they doesn't like to be burden on others even on their own children. I appreciate this old age and if I alive for experiencing an old age I would prefer having a independent life and I may need no physical and mental support from others.
Old people are needy of love and they expect to be loved even there is none to show love or concern. I want to be an old without having any expectations from others and when a person is financially stable, he/she is valuable till the rest of his/her life. This is the bitter truth that I experience in my life though I'm young but experienced by seeing the life of old people around.
Old age: an ordeal? As A Proposition Side :
Getting old with the time is a natural process and we lost physical strength and charm of skin. We become weaker and sometimes depend on medicine and other support. An old suffer from different kind of illness and weakness and this is sometimes like an ordeal beside that old people ignored by young and sometimes hurt by young's bad behavior or mannerless attitude. If you are unable to work and make money you also lost value in family and society and this is not so rare in many region. Sending parents or grandparents in oldage house is very common now but this is the age when an old wants love, care and affection. You can't make money so you are useless and this is the the bitter truth of life. Old can't do all those things a young can do and this lacking hurt old people many times. According to my personal perspective yes its an ordeal.
Old age: an ordeal? As A Opposition Side :
Old age is the time of rest and relaxation. Spending quality time with grand children and take some self care. A pair of trustworthy hands if hold tight the hand of an old, his/her life can be a blessed one. If an old have good children who cares about parents then life of an old never can be an ordeal. Children can support parents at their old age. Beside giving financial support as children or grandchildren you can spend quality time with them as they want. Old age is similar to first stage of our life when we were an infant. As infant we grow up with the support of parents likely old people feel happy when their kids give them honor and priority. Many social awareness videos are available around us to give priority and respect to the old people around us or old people already in our family or in our relatives.
Getting old or stay young is not on our hands, with the time we all will be old if we stay alive. Young people whose treat old people like burden and waste, they should keep on mind that one day they will be old too. So always be good to others including old people. Old people may sometimes irritate you like kids irritate parents, just treat them as kids and don't scold them. Make them understand with love and good words. A good human being always be good to others even he/she may treated bad. So stay calm and good by nature is always wise. The way you treat old today, you'll be treated likely by young tomorrow. That's all I believe.
Thanks For Reading
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You give great explanation about Old age: an ordeal,and give your opinion too.
Getting old age is natural process,we cont escape from it. But all children not possible to taking care their parents in their old age due to their limitations and responsibilities of their own life.
Thats why we must save some money for our future needs,then we no need to depend on our childrens for our needs.
Nice Entry from you. Take care.
I agree it is all about nature. Even when you're old, you can feel young if you're happy
Yes absolutely right dear, happiness helps us stay young and healthy. Thank you so much for taking time to read, have a nice day 💝
Hola amigo, gracias por tu apoyo y participación.
De las dos partes que describes, muy reales ambas, lamentablemente la que prevalece es la primera, donde los ancianos envejecen con muchas carencias y la mas importante es la falta de amor, cosa que me parece cruel después de haber dado tanto amor a los hijos, éstos no tengan amor para sus padres.
Lo ideal sería que todos vivieramos la vejez como la segunda forma que describes, apoyados por los hijos y nietos, rodeados de amor y afecto.
Y definitivamente como tratemos a nuestros viejitos, asi seremos tratados, porque es ley de vida que aquello que damos regresará a nostros, sea bueno o malo.
Saludos amigo, agradecida por compartir tu opinión con nosotros.
Once again thank you so much dear friend for taking time to read my whole post and share some valuable words on it. I'm glad that you take time to read and understand my opinion. Stay blessed dear 💓💖❤️🤗