SEC-S16-W1 | Tradiciones culturales


Assalamualaikum sahabat steemit semuanya. .!!

I'm here to take part in the #SEC-S16-W1 contest with the theme Tradiciones Culturales, every country has its own culture and customs, like my country Indonesia which is famous for its various uniqueness because it has ethnic diversity. , religion and culture, and I will explain the traditions where I live, namely in the province of Aceh which is located at the tip of Sumatra Island, located in the westernmost part of Indonesia. In Aceh itself there are many traditions passed down from generation to generation which are still carried out to this day, one of which will be I share the tradition of a series of traditional Acehnese weddings, namely intat linto and intat dara baro, intat Linto and intat dara Baroe are traditions of accepting the prospective bride and groom by two respective families according to the laws and customs of the Acehnese people.

Intat Linto(takes the groom to the bride's house)


Intat Linto is a series of ceremonies carried out after a wedding or marriage ceremony. Intat Linto is part of a series of traditional Acehnese wedding processions involving friends, extended family and the community. Some people hold a wedding ceremony and wedding ceremony on the same day, for example holding a wedding ceremony in the morning and continuing to hold an intat linto wedding party at the bride's house, because the wedding process must take place at the bride's house or place. After the ijab kabul and intat linto pass, there is still one series of kagi, namely the intat dara baro, after the groom is taken by his family to the bride's house, it is the bride's turn to be taken to the groom's house, this has the same aim of introducing the bride to everyone friends and relatives.


Almost everyone carries out the tradition of intat linto and intat dara baro which we hope will happen only once in a lifetime, on the day of the wedding we are dressed up from top to bottom like a prince who will meet his daughter in traditional Acehnese clothes looking very handsome, looking dashing and mighty, complete with hat accessories, and a rencong weapon at his waist while wearing shiny black shoes.

The bride is already sitting on her throne waiting for the groom or prince to arrive, the bride is also like a queen for a day who looks very beautiful and elegant in her typical Acehnese clothes, with various accessories all over her body and also red henna painted beautifully on her two hands. The bride welcomes the groom's arrival by kissing his hand as a sign of devotion and respect for her husband, because after marriage the husband is our priest, so he must obey all the husband's words and orders. The groom was welcomed very grandly by the bride's family, various menus of typical Acehnese dishes were neatly arranged in front of the wedding for the bride and groom to enjoy. After the second meal, the bride and groom will continue some.

Intat Dara Baro (taking the bride to the groom's house)


Intat dara baro/tueng dara baro is also almost the same as the intat linto process, taking the bride to the groom's house to be introduced to the villagers, friends and also to the groom, the bride will also be welcomed grandly by the groom's family with various special food dishes Aceh.

The difference is that when the bride is delivered, the groom brings various things the woman needs, clothes, cosmetics and other things, when the bride is delivered, the bride only brings various typical Acehnese cakes of around 15 trays or 20 trays which will later be distributed to friends, family or village residents.

A wedding is a sacred moment, a ceremony that binds a promise between two people who love and care for each other and hopes that it will only happen once in a lifetime, a wedding is also a special moment that must be celebrated with the closest people, in Acehnese tradition the wedding party aims to celebrate happiness and happiness. introduce the prospective bride and groom to all his relatives.

That is my entry on several series of traditional wedding processions of the Acehnese people which must be maintained and preserved as a form of respect for ancestral traditions that have existed since the time of our ancestors.

Invite my friends:

By @pecintabunga20


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@pecintabunga20 What a captivating glimpse into Acehnese wedding traditions! Your detailed description paints a vivid picture of the cultural richness and significance of Intat Linto and Intat Dara Baro ceremonies. The emphasis on family the grandeur of celebrations and the commitment to preserving ancestral traditions are truly admirable. Wishing you the best of luck

Each procession has its own meaning and philosophy, one of the traditions that is still upheld is the traditional Acehnese wedding ceremony, a traditional Acehnese wedding which is a combination of religion and tradition.

Marriage is something that everyone who has a partner looks forward to and marriage plays an important role in forming a strong bond between the bride and groom and their families.

and wearing traditional Acehnese clothes is the dream of all Acehnese people, wearing beautiful clothes like kings and queens while sitting in a magnificent place there, and everyone hopes that this beautiful moment only happens once in a lifetime.

The wedding event is also a thanksgiving event to ask for the blessings of being a sakinah, mawaddah and warahmah family.

Thank you for your comment, may blessings and success always accompany you.

hey dear your detailed description of the traditional Acehnese wedding ceremonies Intat Linto and Intat Dara Baro provides a captivating insight into the rich cultural heritage of Aceh. The way you narrate the ceremonial processions the elaborate attire of the bride and groom and the grand reception by both families paints a vivid picture of the cultural significance and beauty of these traditions. It's heartwarming to see how these ceremonies not only symbolize the union of two individuals but also serve as a means of introducing and celebrating their love within the community.

The people of Aceh are known to highly uphold cultural values ​​and customs, the majority religion in Aceh is Islam so our social life cannot be separated from customs. Thank you very much for your visit and comments, always healthy and successful for you

Sebenarnya tradisi budaya di Indonesia ini sangat mengejutkan dan sangat indah, saya punya pertanyaan: apakah ini terjadi pada semua orang yang menikah? Karena saya melihat banyak kemewahan dalam semua ini, jika ini adalah kebiasaan, bagaimana orang miskin akan membayar semua tindakan cinta yang berlebihan ini?

Thank you for your comment and I am very happy to answer your curiosity about Indonesian culture, I will answer it with pleasure.

This happens to everyone who gets married, clothes and wedding dresses have varying prices, some are cheap and some are expensive, we can choose according to our finances.

Cheap and expensive clothing is the same as using traditional Acehnese clothing, only it is more luxurious on the wedding stage, some people use the wedding stage inside the house, some people use it outside the house.

Celebrations can be held on a large scale, simple or small according to ability.

Indonesia kaya akan tradisi dan budaya salah satunya tradisi intat linto atau intat dara baro yang sudah menjadi kebiasaan dan ini merupakan warisan yang ditinggalkan oleh nenek moyang kita terdahulu yang harus dijaga dan dirawat sebagai bentuk penghormatan dalam menjaga tradisi leluhur kita di Aceh.

Terima kasih atas sebutannya, semoga anda sukses akan kontesnya 👍

Kita sangat bangga sebagai warga aceh karna memiliki berbagai tradisi dan budaya yang luar biasa.

Terimakasih atas komemtarnya kaka.

Perkawinan adalah moment penting dalam hidup, perayaan acara pesta adat Aceh untuk meminta doa dan restu pada semua orang yang hadir, berharap hanya terjadi sekali dalam se umur hidup, berharap bisa bahagia dan menjalani rumah tangga sampai hayat yang memisahkan.

Interesantes costumbres relacionadas con las bodas allí en Aceh. Lindas fotografías. Saludos cordiales.

Thank you for your comments and support.

peace greetings, have a nice day.

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.
Curated by : @patjewell

Thank you for the support @patjewell

Pleasure! 🎕

I hope you are well. I like your culture very much and the clothes you are wearing are very nice to me and I saw your post and on the winner announcement so I thought. I have been checking out a lot of you so when I saw your post I really liked it

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