SEC-S16-W2 | For the birds

in Venezolanos Steem5 months ago (edited)

For the birds.png

Asalem O Alaikum Steemit fellows

Greeting #VenezolanosSteem Community ..How are You all i am fine Alhumdulillah by the grace of Allah.Today am participant of SEC The topic about"For the Birds" So we start on this oppaortunity to engage with the createvity that is the seventh art cinema. Its a province where imagenation knows no bound and the lens are capturing not just images but emotionss storys and the very consentrate of the human experiencse.
  • Now with great passion i present my miroring on the PIXAR short film "For the Birds." As I enggage myself in the fantastic world of animated down and engaging characters I could not help but consider the deepper layers beneath the surface.



  • The message interlace into the textile of "For the Birds" is a moving prompt of the beauty that surface from the accept runing contrast. The film beautifullys explores the effective of aceptance and adition using a flock of unnusual birds as analogy for societal standards. As the history emerge we witnes the transformative power of compasion and the joy that blossomss when differences are celebrated relativelly than avoid.



  • The concentrate"For the Birds" sumarize a permanent moral lesson that true happines is establish in unity and acceptance go beyond apearances and predetermined notions. The film butt us to return on our own interactions and challenges us to encourage an environment where everyone anyway of their uniqueness feels a sense of belonging.

  • This moving short also inspire real-life structure where individualls much like the characters in the film find themselves on the extremity of society. It particle a identification of the importance of kindness sensibility to understanding in breaking down hurdle and building bridges.



  • The person i have experience occasion where the soul of "For the Birds" repeating in the stories of people cross through a world that sometimes strugglles to appreciate their individual qualeties. The flexibility power and closing success of the human soul in these description mirror the inspire esence of PIXAR design

The end "For the Birds" is not entirely an animated display but a mirror reflecting the society we stay in. It signal us to be mindfully of our common sense motivate us to open our hearts to disagreement and leaves us with the heartfelt sympathy that in the grand collages of life every action no matter how different present to the beauty of the complete.

May we carry on to observe createvity and understanding in the magically province of cinemas where each frame tells a story and every story has the possible to change people.

:・゚✵ :・゚✧ :・゚✵ *:・゚✧:・゚✵ :・゚✧:・゚


The first time tjis short movie was shown in the cinema it was after the main film and it's credits. By that time every visiter already left the cinema.
Perhaps this behaviour says enough about us people?

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
Amiga, @nooruleman, has traído a colación unas enseñanzas valiosas a propósito del cortometraje: Los seres humanos somos como un jardín, en el que habitan flores hermosas, símbolo de buenos sentimientos, pero también insectos que buscan acabar con las flores. Así es la vida y debemos aprender a reconocer la bondad y la maldad; pero nunca llenarnos de odio; sino más bien ser como el pájaro grande: vivir felices, incluso cuando el entorno no sea favorable.

Gracias por unirte a este reto, Considera a esta comunidad como tu casa. Un abrazo.

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Anda menulis nya dengan sangat baik, film pendek ini sangat inspiratif, dan anda benar, kita harus bisa beradaptasi dengan setiap tantangan yang kita hadapi dalam masyrakat, semoga kita bisa sukses di kontes ini saudari

Muchas veces nos burlamos de otros por ser diferentes a nosotros sin saber que más adelante nos puede tocar a nosotros y sentirnos mal es cuando nos damos cuenta que debemos respetar a los demás por su condición o raza social ya que al final todos somos seres humanos pertenecientes a esta gran sociedad

Excelentes opiniones, estimado amigo. A veces nos hemos sentido como el pájaro grande y lamentablemente otras veces nos hemos equivocado actuando como los pájaros pequeños.

thank you for your kind words

Hola amiga, un placer saludarte y estar por acá explorando tu participación 😘

Expresas detalladamente la obra y que quiere transmitir el autor en la misma. Me gustó mucho esta parte donde haces mención de...

un espejo que refleja la sociedad en la que vivimos.

La verdad así vivimos en un mundo lleno de envidia, sin empatía, sin amor porque si no hay amor no hay nada.

Te deseo mucho éxito en tu participación 🙏

"The end "For the Birds" is not entirely an animated display but a mirror reflecting the society we stay in."

This short film is a real mirrow reflecting the nature of our society, something that needs to be plucked out of our society

It truly shows the need to accept people who are different from us.

What beautiful words, I like how you have explained the concept of the choir so well. Thank you.

Setelah kita melihat video pendek ini, banyak kesimpulan yang bisa kita dapatkan, setiap manusia terlahir ke dunia ini memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan, jadi di saat ada orang asing yang ingin bergabung dengan kita di sini kita jangan pernah mengolok-goloknya, karena perbedaan itu tidak jadi masalah.

terima kasih telah berbagi dengan kami disini, Semoga sukses di kontes minggu ini.

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