SEC-S16-W3 | El arte inspira


Hello steemit friends all who have visited this post, let's participate in the Steemit Engagement Challenge | SEC-S16-W3 | El arte inspira contest which has been organized by the Venezolanos Steem community.

10% rewards from this post are shared to @venezolanos community accounts.

So it is not uncommon for us to hear on several news sites that many newborn babies are thrown away to die of cold because of the darkness of the night, and there are even babies who are killed until they are just bones wrapped in plastic. How unfortunate the fate of these babies that are not missed, they cry bitterly, in the grave they ask, "What is my fault mom? What's my fault dad? I just wanted to live like other children."

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

On this occasion I would like to participate in a contest held by the Venezolanos Steem community, in this contest participants are asked to choose three works of art that have been provided by the contest organizers, then participants can write any story related to the meaning of the artwork.

▶️ Introduction

There are three popular artworks displayed by the organizers, first, the artwork of a surgeon explaining to his students how to perform surgery on the anatomy of the human body.

Second, a photograph depicting a scene of fishermen riding a small boat to catch fish, in the artwork a fisherman is seen with a lackluster face. While the other two fishermen are busy with their fishing activities.

And third, there is an artwork depicting the birth of a newborn baby, and there are two women who are looking at the baby, the woman holding the baby looks like her mother and the woman beside her looks like the grandmother of the baby.

After much thought and observation of the three artworks exhibited by the organizers, it seems that I am more interested in the artwork depicting a newborn baby. So, in this article, I will focus on telling you about my views on newborn babies. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Source: Wikipedia

👩‍❤️‍👨The Missed Baby

A newborn baby is certainly missed by both parents because the long wait for 9 months is very curious, not only the parents who miss it but the whole family is also very much looking forward to the presence of the tiny baby, a newborn baby is like a new guest who comes into our lives and will become a new family that accompanies throughout our life journey.


Having a baby is the dream of every married couple, there are times when the couple is easy to have a baby because they don't experience any problems, but there are some couples who really miss the presence of the baby even though they have been waiting and trying hard for years but have not produced clear results.

Of course it is not easy to have children, because having children requires a process and patience and only God determines when the time is, because it is a destiny from God, not from human efforts that can determine.

For couples who already have children, be grateful that God gave them easily to you. As for couples who do not have children, be patient, never stop trying and praying, rest assured that one day our prayers will be heard by Allah, the creator of heaven and earth.

😭 Baby cries from the grave

image.png Source:

In this life there are people who have good luck and there are people who have bad luck, so do these little babies who have never sinned. There are babies who are missed by their parents when they are born, but there are also babies who are hated by their parents from birth. Why is that?

Babies who are hated by their parents from birth are babies born to couples who have a relationship without a clear marital status, not legal in the rules of religious and state law. In some regions the birth of a child out of wedlock is considered a shameful disgrace, even the baby is referred to as a bastard child.

Therefore, many couples who are not ready to face such a phenomenon in society, for those who have a baby from an extramarital relationship will try to hide their pregnancy, and some even try to abort the pregnancy. The baby that is born is said to be an illegitimate child even though what is wrong is the behavior of both parents.

So it is not uncommon for us to hear on several news sites that many newborn babies are thrown away to die of cold because of the darkness of the night, and there are even babies who are killed until they are just bones wrapped in plastic. How unfortunate the fate of these babies that are not missed, they cry bitterly, in the grave they ask, "What is my fault mom? What's my fault dad? I just wanted to live like other children."

Whereas the best solution is to admit fault, there is no need to kill innocent and sinful babies. If you don't want to take care of them, hand them over to someone who wants to adopt them or give them to an orphanage.

garis pembatas @miftahulrizky.png

Thus this article, I hope it is useful and inspires all who read it.I also invite you to participate in this contest. @fantvwiki, @mvchacin, @fadia, @irawandedy @solperez, @el-nailul.

Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment.
Greetings by @miftahulrizky


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Mi amigo, has escrito un excelente ensayo, en el que abordas el tema de la infancia abandonada, maltratada e incluso asesinada por personas inescrupulosas, que de manera irresponsable, traen al mundo a seres humanos a los que luego someten a la tortura.

Un hijo, como bien has dicho, es un regalo de Dios. De modo que quien decida abandonarlo, le estará dando la espalda al Señor que todo lo puede.

Me encantó leerte. Un abrazo y suerte.

My dear friend, you praise me too much by saying "you have written a very good essay," but I am glad to hear it. 😇 Hehe.

The important lesson we can take away from this is that we are lucky to be born to good, moral, and responsible parents, they raise us with care and love.

But if on the contrary, if we were born to parents who don't want us, then what would happen? Maybe we are the babies crying from the grave.

Así es, mi estimado amigo, estamos en este planeta, hemos sentido el amor de nuestros padres. Por tanto, somos bendecidos. Saludos.

Hola amigo @miftahulrizky, es la realidad, solo respondimos las preguntas en base a nuestra experiencia de nacer en un entorno social positivo, lleno de amor, con padres amorosos, hermanos que todavía cuidan de mi, que están al pendiente y buscan mi beneficio, gracias a Dios mis padres tuvieron unidos hasta que la muerte los separó.

Fueron mi mejor ejemplo a seguir, fueron mis mayores influencer y luego de no estar en este plano terrenal, lo siguen siendo, sigo su legado.

Pero si hubiera nacido en un hogar contrario, seguro mis respuestas fueran diferente y seguro ya no existiría, estoy de acuerdo..."como bebés que lloran desde la tumba"😔😞🥺 cuántos ahora mismo están padeciendo abusos de todo tipo y a quién les duele?☹️😭

Gracias por su atención 🤜🤛

Una dolorosa realidad social para algunos niños que sólo quieren vivir una vida feliz, desgraciadamente hay gente que tiene suerte y hay gente que tiene la desgracia de nacer en familias contradictorias.

Estoy de acuerdo en que debemos estar agradecidos por haber nacido con unos padres que siempre nos quieren y nos dan un afecto genuino.

Greetings friend, it is unfortunate when parents do not fight to love, raise, care for and protect their baby and make these bad decisions to abort or throw it away where they later die.

What fault can the baby have if what he wants is to live. Excellent post, I wish you a happy day.

Terimakasih atas kunjungan nya pada postingan ini, anda telah mendoakan hari saya agar menyenangkan, saya akan mendoakan hari-hari anda menyenangkan dan penuh keberuntungan.


Hi, your post raises poignant questions about the tragedy of abandoned and abused newborns. You compassionately describe the pain and isolation of these innocent babies, rejected from birth due to their parents' circumstances. Your message calls for deep reflection on responsibility and compassion towards children, regardless of their family status. Thank you for your significant contribution to this important debate.

From the case of a baby who was abandoned at birth, mistreated, and even thrown away, we can learn to be grateful for being born into a good family, parents who love and care for us.

Has expuesto en este post, la realidad de muchas familias, unas deseosas de tener bebés y no pueden, otros por el contrario desechan una vida recién llegada al.mundo de manera cruel. Los hijos son la herencia de Dios a los seres humanos y cada una es valorada por igual. Gracias por compartir.

You have read it well so that you understand that in this article there are many facts of life for newborn babies with various cases and realities. Hopefully we can take care of newborn babies as a gift from God.

Amén. Muchos niños sufren la maldad de este mundo. Pero Dios hará justicia. Bendiciones!

Amén. Muchos niños sufren la maldad de este mundo. Pero Dios hará justicia. Bendiciones!

I agree with what you said, that's why the God we believe in, Allah SWT, created heaven and hell. Because there is no fairest judge in this world. Many laws are favoritism, many people commit crimes that are free to roam, so only God will judge fairly on the Day of Judgment.

The nine months wait is too long for parents. You said that parents are missing the new born child. A very beautiful relations of words to the picture. The baby is so cute you have shared a picture here. Thank you for the beautiful story friend.

Wish you get succeeded in this contest friend.

Terima kasih atas dukungan dan doanya cantik, semoga kamu juga beruntung dalam mengikuti kontes di platform Steemit. Salam kenal dan jangan lupa follow

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