SEC-S16-W2 | For The Birds

in Venezolanos Steem5 months ago (edited)



Hello friends! I must admit this is the first time I've seen this fantastic computer-animated video! Forgive my manners I hope my entry finds you well ❤️‍🩹 this video is not just hilarious 😂 but it's full of valuable life lessons. After I meditated on it I came to appreciate difference the more! What do I mean? Stay tuned as I will tell you in the next paragraphs.

We are different in so many ways, colour, size, ethnicity, race, beliefs, values, intelligence, interest, ability, age, mental /physical ability, gender, religion etc. But we must accept the differences which will always exist because this life will be so boring if we all see it from the same perspective or viewpoint, there will be nothing to look forward to, but you see the colour in the world makes life beautiful to admire. And the differences in us make room for us to learn from others and grow, yes we must appreciate different viewpoints because it's essential for our learning and growth.



We shouldn't be like the small identical birds who were having problems with themselves and couldn't get along with one another. When the large dopey friendly bird tries to be friend with them, they gang up against him, making a mockery of the large dopey bird and even threw it down, but In the end all of them fall off the telephone pole and their feathers fall off and the small identical birds hide in shame.

The Lesson:

  • Prejudice is unacceptable.

  • Look past stereotypes, and appreciate diversity.

  • We shouldn't make fun of others because they are different from us, maybe because of their skin or hair colour, language, ethnicity or race. We shouldn't make a mockery of them, gossipping or worst still bullying them because the end may be embarrassing for us rather we should be kind and friendly with all and learn from them in the process and grow!

So next time we see fellow people having different perspectives on certain things, we shouldn't condemn them rather we should acknowledge their differences and most importantly we can learn from the particular situation, we should welcome 🤗 strangers and make them feel at home, treat people the way we would love to be treated.



Next time don't feel reluctant to stand out from the crowd, do not be afraid to share your point of view with others simply because your opinion is different, Or not in consonant with others. Note, that your opinion is different doesn't make Other's right or wrong, it's because our life experiences differ.

Do you know someone who has had a similar case happen to them in real life, tell us! (Do not tell the movie)

Of course, my elder Sister told me that she was very young and small when she started high school and because of her size some of her classmates used to bully her, she was scared but thank goodness she confided in our parents and they told her how to beat the bully without using her fist. As usual, the bully came around and she wasn't scared of her, instead, she looked right into her eyes and told her that she would tell the school principal about her if she tried it again. The girl was so ashamed of herself and everyone laughed at her. In the end, she was embarrassed!

Let's appreciate the diversities around us and stand out for growth. Hello @mesola @eliany and @bossj23 share your opinions with us.


Greetings friend, without a doubt this contest is quite interesting. The lesson that the video leaves us is very evident, we should not attack or harm someone for being different, much less when that person is only looking to make friends. I'm glad your sister solved that problem very intelligently. Blessings and success!

Thanks for this wonderful contribution dear, so many people don't know that their actions and words can either heal or destroy the world at large. Thanks for the compliment 💕

Saludos cordiales hermosa amiga goodybest, un placer para mi saludarte y leer tu participación.

Has vivido en carne propia con tu hermana menor los desajustes de una sociedad donde el respeto y los valores se han perdido.

Te deseo un bonito, feliz, productivo y bendecido día.

Thanks for always visiting dear friend, your amazing commendations normally means a lot for me. I appreciate and I wish you success in all endeavours

Saludos amiga, así es no hay que medir a las personas por su raza, color, etnia, etc, como lo describes en tu post, pero todo comienza desde el hogar y hoy día lamentablemente hay muchos hogares disfuncionales, eso pasa en todas partes, empresas, colegios, instituciones, pero sabes cuánto actuamos bien o mal, tarde o temprano nos llega las consecuencias de nuestros actos. Bien me encantó tu publicación, suerte en el concurso

Look at me smiling unstoppably, I appreciate your wonderful commendations and good wishes. Thank you 💞

Halo teman senang bisa membaca artikel anda.

Setelah kita menonton video ini, banyak sekali yang bisa kita ambil manfaat, salah satunya adalah kita tidak boleh meremehkan orang lain, harus menerima kekurangan setiap orang.

Manusia memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan, dengan begitu kita bisa saling melengkapi satu sama lain, ketika ada orang asing yang ingin bergabung dengan kita, maka terimalah apa ada nya.

Terimakasih telah berbagi dengan kami di sini, semoga sukses di kontes minggu ini.

You're absolutely right friend, thanks for engaging meaningfully on my post, I appreciate your contribution.

Your reflection on the animated video is truly insightful and beautifully articulated. The way you draw parallels between the small birds' behavior and real-life situations is thought-provoking. The emphasis on embracing diversity avoiding prejudice and fostering kindness is a powerful message. Your sister's story adds a personal touch highlighting the importance of standing up against bullying these valuable lessons and encouraging a more inclusive and understanding perspective. Well done..

Banyak sekali pelajaran hidup dan pesan amanat yang bisa petik dalam film animasi ini. Kita semua memang memiliki perbedaan dari segi fisik, warna kulit, ras, agama dan lainnya maka dari itu mari kita hargai setiap perbedaan yang ada, saling menghormati dan menyayangi antara sesama agar tercapai harapan dan tujuan bersama.

Artikel anda sangat bermanfaat dan mendidik, semoga kita bisa bersama-sama bergandengan tangan untuk saling membuat perubahan tanpa saling menyalahkan dan diskriminasi.

Salam semoga anda sukses👍

Thanks for your contribution and compliment dear, I appreciate your visit!

Saludos amigo 👋 me gustó mucho la reflexión que nos compartes, sobre todo esa frase, de que debemos mirar más allá, del estereotipo de una persona, porque es así, a veces jugamos a primera vista, pero no damos la oportunidad de ver, que hay más allá de lo que vemos y eso es importante, creo que nos haría una sociedad más amigable unos con otros. El tener ideas diferentes, posiciones claras y no compartir un interes, es parte del servicio humano, solo que debemos aceptar a los demás como son.

Te deseo éxitos amigo 👍

Indeed diversity should bond us human beings and not to create any discord.We should outgrow our differences in terms of race, culture and religion.In as much as we all have blood, body and emotion that's universal.I see no reason for hate, prejudice, discrimination. Only we should accept our individual differences, use it as a ground to tolerate, understand and love each other from any way we come,taking that universal cognisance of our humanity.Kudos for your write up .I like this topic..

This was very amazing video and it teaches good lessons to us. Respect should be our first priority to be provided to elders. The small birds disrespected and make fun of the large bird and they also fought on the sitting area. It also is our problem in our society, we should teach manners to our children so that they not create problems for others

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