SEC-S16-W2 | Para los pájaros

in Venezolanos Steem5 months ago (edited)


For the birds

What is the message and values expressed in the film.

This is a classic case of judging a book by its cover. This short animated movie has a very clear message; do not pre judge others simply because they look different from us.
Prejudice can lead to bulling and other harmful consequences.

Do you think it has a moral?

The they were picking on was so loving and friendly that when they got the bad result of their actions, they had to hide behind the same bird they were showing aggressive behavior.
I also noticed that the result of the trouble we cause others can have real bad effect on us. The smaller birds were blinded by their desire to hut the big bird who looked different. They did not see what will happen when they succeed in pushing the big bird off the cable.

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Prejudice can blind us of the effect of our actions to an extent that we can't see the boomerang effect of our actions.

Do you think it leaves any lessons?

Yes it teaches that some of the people we discriminate against have very beautiful and humane quality.

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The big bird fels sorry over what happened to the small bird and even offered to give it some materials to cover with. Get to know the person first.

I have also learn a lesson that simply because a majority is taking a stand dose not mean that it is a good course.
Sometimes people team up to do wrong things. Majority is not always right. Unity of purpose is not a proof that it is a good course.

Do you know someone who has had a similar case happen to them in real life, tell us!

A relative was accused of being a witch, because the accusation came from her daughter others joined quickly and it soon became the whole compound. This was just because she was old.
When her oldest daughter heard of it, she came over and took the mother away, giving her a business to run and took good care of her health.
When she came back driving in a car and able to care for herself and could be of financial help to her neighbor, the witch stigma died off. Even the daughter denied ever calling her a witch.


Be kind to people who are different because the stone we throw at them can hit our kin or even ourselves.

Thanks for reading my post I'm inviting @okere-blessing, @josepha, @goodybest and @arinaz08

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Your post beautifully captures the essence of the animated movie and its profound message. The analogy drawn between the birds' behavior and real-life prejudice is thought-provoking. The lesson about looking beyond appearances and getting to know individuals personally is crucial. Your personal anecdote adds a powerful touch emphasizing the real-life impact of unfair judgments such a meaningful reflection and spreading awareness about kindness and understanding. Well done..

Thank you, your analysis is on point.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Saludos cordiales gran amigo gentlesun, un gusto para mi saludarte y leer tu participación.

Waoooo amigo no sabia que aun existía en la sociedad el problema de acusar a otras personas de ser brujas, ya vemos que las acusaciones falsas siempre han existido.

Te deseo un feliz, bonito, productivo y bendecido día.

My brother, witch accusation is common in my mediate community. It is always helpless old men and women that can not defend themselves.

oOO you have shared best post. And you analyze very good moral. Best of luck for your contest result

Ciertamente, la vida es muy corta como para andar perdiendo el tiempo burlándonos de las demás personas a sabiendas que lo mismo nos podría pasar a nosotros mismos. Excelente análisis.

Saludos amigo, de gran importancia tu publicación acerca del tema, ya que sin duda es una siuación que se presenta mucho hoy en día, donde la gente juzga y discrimina a otras solo por no ser como ellos, actuando de manera errada y sin pensar que todo aquello que damos, es lo que recibiremos.

Que triste que aun en este tiempo,se siga juzgando a personas, solo por lo que una persona dice, sin darse el privilegio de conocerla realmente.

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