Concurso fotográfico semana #30 Flores | Garden with flowerssteemCreated with Sketch.

in Venezolanos Steem3 months ago

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I had the pleasure of visiting a beautiful garden with all kinds of flowers. The garden was a true work of art, filled with vibrant colors, intoxicating aromas and a soothing atmosphere. Since the garden was a popular destination, I decided to go early in the morning to avoid the crowds and enjoy the tranquility. This also gave me plenty of time to explore the garden in peace before more visitors arrived. Hydrangea leaves are large, green and palm-like, making them a distinctive feature of the plant. They are distinguished by their specific aromatics that attract bees and butterflies. Hydrangeas can be planted in the garden or in pots and need well-drained soil and partial shade. They prefer cool climates and can suffer from heat and drought. They are sensitive to frost and must be protected during the winter months.

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The garden was huge and there was a lot to explore. There were different sections dedicated to different types of flowers as well as beautiful sculptures and water features. I spent a lot of time walking around the garden, admiring the aromas and photographing the beautiful plants.
Garden carnation flowers usually have a double row of petals that are brightly colored. Each flower has multiple stamens and a pistil. Garden carnations prefer well-drained soil and full sun or partial shade. With proper care, garden carnations can continue to bloom from early spring to late fall. Besides their use as ornamental plants, garden carnations have several other uses. Their fragrant flowers are often used in cooking, while their leaves and roots can be used as natural dyes. Additionally, garden carnations attract beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies, making them a great choice for eco-friendly gardens.

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I learned from the gardener that regular watering and fertilization are important to maintain healthy rose growth, and dead or damaged flowers should be removed to encourage additional blooms. Many roses also benefit from winter dormancy, where the stems are cut low to the ground and the plants are covered with mulch or straw to protect them from frost.

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In the garden there was a planter shed under which there was a place to rest and enjoy the many plants.

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When it was time to leave, I was satisfied and grateful for the wonderful experience. I thanked the hostess for maintaining such a beautiful garden and expressed my desire to return again. Visiting the flower garden was a wonderful way to spend the day, filled with beauty and joy.

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Organized by @evagavilan
I want to invite @baizid123 @kozanozdra @hasenmann



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Amigo muy hermosa tu publicación y hermosas flores.

De verdad cuando uno visita un jardín no queda más que admirar su belleza y tomar fotografías.

La Hortensia es una de mis preferidas lástima no se da en climas cálidos como donde yo vivo.😔

Que bueno hayas podido compartir tu receña.

Me alegro que te guste mi publicación :)

 3 months ago 
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