SEC-S16-W6 | vibrating high

Good day my dear steemians today I want to write on the topic vibrating high . I am going to share my experience of happiness with you. Begin happy is the medicine to cure illness. We also know that it is happiness that takes sadness, sorrows, and pitifulness away. It the antidote for sorrowful event. So in these contest I am going to share my happiness with you, the moment I was happy and all of that.

Think of three times when you have been happy.

The first thing which really made me the most happiest girl in the world was when my brother was being born into the world. This really made me happy because out of the three girls we had no brother, but when he was brought to the world I was the most happiest girl in the world. The second thing that made me happy was that my mom came back home safely with the baby without any form of accident. And now we celebrated his one year birthday without anything happening to him.

IMG_20230228_120936_423.jpgmy brother when he was brought to the world newly

Why were you in that ecstasy of happiness.

Because out of the three girls we are (Favour, Joyce, Happiness) we had no brother, we were longing for brother and God in heaven finally answered our prayers by giving us a brother. I love my brother and I will give and shower him all my kindness on him. And the one which really made me happy was that my mom came back home safely with the baby without any form of accident and we are now celebrating one of his birthday without hearing the worst part or the sorrowful side. I am so greatfull to God for giving me a brother.

IMG_20240227_195734_729.jpgmy brother doing his one year birthday

In conclusion these were the three things which really made me a happy star up till today.

Special invite


Saludos estimado amigo, cuando tenemos una arminica relacion con nuestros familiares todo se traduce en felicidad ñir doquier, es un tesoro invaluable. Éxitos en tu estupenda entrada.

Thank you ma for the recommendation, I really appreciate

Hello @bessie2023! It is truly a blessing to witness the arrival of a new family member, especially when he fulfills a long-awaited dream. Your joy and gratitude shine through your words as you express your happiness at your brother's birth and his celebration of his first birthday. Obviously, your family means the world to you, and the safe return of your mother with the baby is indeed a reason for immense happiness and gratitude. Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment with us and good luck!

Thank you sir. Indeed my family Is a great blessing for me

Cuando tenemos hijos todos los días de nuestras vidas son muy felices porque los tenemos para compartir juntos cada día

You are right my dear sister, we are always happy when we have children, every day of our lives they are very happy because we have them to share together every day of our lives

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