Plagiarism Hunt in Cryptoacadamy Assignments - 17/04/2021

in Mosquito Squishers3 years ago (edited)

So, the cryptoacadamy assignments are in full swing now. Guess what? The plagiarists are also back. With numerous scammers finding new ways to leach the reward pool. Today, I will bring 3 such users along with proof of plagiarism.

  • @nypho (AKA NYMPHO): This is a veteran user account that was created back in 2017. However, it remained inactive during the whole bear market.

    The account sprung back to life when the cryptoacadamy was in full swing(before the 2-week break). The suspicious trigger was when this user did not participate in any other events such as the diary game, etc.

    Once the cryptoacadamy restarted, the user is active once again. Another trigger point was that this user used to post only English content previously. However, this has now been changed to French.

Plagiarized articleOriginal sourceProfessor

The last article of this user has been plagiarized but this goes undetected in the plagiarization detection tool because it seems to be rephrased using one of the numerous available online tools. So, finding the original source of this took a lot more time than I initially expected. In the above screenshot, the article on the left is that of @dhramps. On the right is the translated version of the article posted by @nypho. As you can see the similarities between the two should be sufficient to prove that even the last article has been plagiarized by this user.

All the other articles are just direct translations of the source article.

  • @kimmelgarner: This has been a user that has been on my radar for a while now. Every time there is a high stake contest ongoing, this user comes out of hibernation to post articles in the Russian language. Finding the original source of the articles posted by this user is harder than most others. This is because this user picks up a non-English article and then goes on to translate it to Russian.

    I would not be sharing the method I used to track this user over here in the open because the plagiarists might find ways to overcome this. However, anyone with the private investigator status can reach out on Discord and I would be ready to share the method I used to catch this user.

Plagiarized articleOriginal sourceProfessor

Both these posts can be converted to English using Google Translate and verified for plagerism. Again, this is another way the scammer is evading the plagiarism detection tools.

  • @grace234: This user's reputation might below for now. However, we need to ensure that no one votes for such plagerized content.
PostOriginal Post@yohan2on

Well, thats all for now. I would request all professors to remove their votes/rating from these user's posts to avoid it from being upvoted from @steemcurator02 or any other users.

Since finding such plagiarism does take a long time, I would like to extend my help to the crypto professors in identifying them. If you find any article and you feel like you have read the same content previously, just tag me in the comment section of the post and I will find the original source of the article.


@endingplagiarism, @kiwi-crypto, @neerajkr03, @sapwood, @abcallen, @alphafx, @kouba01, @fendit, @imagen, @pelon53, @yousafharoonkhan, @levycore, @yohan2on, @stream4u


All tagged and consolidated list updated. Thanks @starlord28

Excellent work, thank you.

Now hit them with the big red marker pen...

Interesting that nypho and grace234 seem to be interconnected looking at the wallet.

@bright-obias - just noticed you in @nypho's wallet...

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your support.

@bright-obias - just noticed you in @nypho's wallet...

I too noticed that. However, @bright-obias seems to be receiving steem from numerous accounts, not just @nypho's. If he could verify the reason behind this, it would be great.

Hello @steemcurator01 and @starlord28, I am very much happy that Starlord and his team are working tirelessly to keep the platform clean.

In Nigeria, the financial government banned the trading of cryptocurrency, it said that all financial institutions should stop crypto transactions, and since the inception of this crypto ban, trading cryptocurrency has not been easy so easy for most of our Nigerian users here.

The only method we use here in Nigeria is the p2p trading, and most steemians that are new in cryptocurrency don't know how to trade with it, even when I try to teach them, they would always want me to trade it for them because they are afraid of lossing their coins.

So as a Country Representative, I do assist them with this, you can see below from my wallet screenshot when i recieved 340 steem from a Nigerian steemian - @kinkyamie


I also transferred it to my binance wallet where i traded the steem for fiat and then transferred it to her local bank account. I do this for any steemian that doesn't know how to trade via p2p.

In the case of @nypho, she transferred to me so i can trade it for her, I was not aware of the interconnected account. Thanks for digging it out.

You can read about the recent crypto ban in Nigeria Here - By

 3 years ago 

Thank you for confirming this with us @bright-obias. Sorry to hear about the ban in Nigeria though.

That is fine.

As a Country Representative you will need to have some scrutiny of who you deal with.

Alright, I will take note of that. Thank you very much for the support so far, I really appreciate.

Hello there,

I have been preparing a daily contest regularly for about 5 months. For a very long time, I prepared and finalized the contest with my own means, without any support. Sometimes I get support from you. I haven't had any support lately. I find it difficult to stay competitive. Interest in the daily competition is high. I ask you to support my daily contest.


All that @bright-obias said is true, about the transfer I don't know him personally and so also I am not @grace234. Thanks for all your work, I believe it is to help steemit grow. @steemcurator01 and @starlord28

@steemcurator01 am i allowed to post same content ( that belongs to me) in two different communities ???

@grace234 is an old friend of mine on steemit from back then, am trying to encourage her to come back to steem, sorry about this. @steemcurator01, @bright-obias

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

 3 years ago 

Excellent job, Thank you so much.

I will now update it in the sheet.

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much. :)

You are doing a great job @starlord28

 3 years ago 

Thank you.

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