Goodbye To Unforseen Circumstances

in HeartChurch3 years ago


When people speak of unforeseen circumstances I guess this was it.
I mean it doesn't have to be such a terrible thing to be unforeseen circumstances.
I got a fair share of such yesterday but I don't even wanna talk about it or dwell on it.
I love letting bygone be bygone especially for most cases as such.

I didn't exactly have my schedules planned out well and everything just crashed on me and I couldn't help it, I mean I am human too and I am bound to make mistakes too but I am hoping it would be my first and last. I may not always have all the time in the world and I just realized I had to better manage the little seconds in every 24 hours of my time, especially now if I want to meet up with any target or goals planned out for my life.

It's Gonna Be A Beautiful Day

Whether the devil likes it or not, it's a beautiful day for me, and God in his indefinite mercy will make it to be so just as I have proclaimed.

I know I had a terrible day yesterday but I am not hoping or even praying and wishing it to ever repeat itself and I want nothing closed to unforeseen circumstances to repeat itself for any reason at all no matter what.
I prefer the circumstances to be seen and known to know how best to tackle them.

Yesterday is already gone but here we are today. Every day is an opportunity to pick up from where we stopped and forge ahead doing the things we couldn't do with lots of energy and motivation.
Words of affirmation and positive proclamation are a great way to always start your day.
Each new day comes with its own blessing and even curse, but it's left for us to make our choices and by doing so, we need to proclaim and accept them whether it be blessing or curse.

So for this day, I choose blessing over the curse. My day is gonna be filled with lots of positive things. There will be no form of negativity because I have no such in my agenda for today.
I will accomplish everything I set my mind on this day.
I will achieve every goal and plan for the day.
I won't slack, I won't be weary because I know I can do all things through Christ that strengthens and keeps me.

It's yet another day for more of every good thing to locate me.
I pray for the strength and the grace to sail through and not break down (for many strong reasons)
I can't tell the end of today from the beginning but I know that it gonna be a good one for me and I say an Amen to that.

You see, a day will come and go just like that and you will be wondering what actually happened, like what you could achieve or make out of that day but you find nothing.
Like I always say, try to live by choices and not by chances.
Because if you don't, you might likely be wasting every day of your life doing nothing tangible.

Live intentionally and make the most out of your time and your days.
You may not always have the right motivation you want and remember that every second of your time spent or wasted is gone and gone for good and there is nothing you will do to recover those lost moments.

You can't change anything about the past but you can start now to get a hold of your future by taking charge and control over the affairs of your life today and doing everything possible to make sure that you use your time very well and manage it well to accommodate every aspect of your life that needs your attention.

Have you ever been caught up with so much that it's as if you can't breathe well?
You wanna do everything within your power to get some things done but it just cannot happen? No matter how hard you try?
Well, the truth is that this happens a lot, and most times it's because of poor planning or time management.

I will ask, how well do you manage your time?
We already know so much about time and how well we can manage it, that I am 99% sure isn't it?
A lot of us if we are asked, will chorus that we do know how well we manage our time, and some may actually not be lying.

But in the same way, a lot of us don't know how to do that and we always end up wasting, abusing or misusing our time.
And because of this most of the unforeseen things that happen to us, happen because of mostly how well we managed our time.

I don't wanna start giving tips on how to better manage your time well, I believe we already have a lot of such articles and we are just one click away from finding that out if we truly wanna know for some of us.

For today, amidst everything I have said, I want to remind us to always make positive proclamations, prepare ourselves for whatever life will present to us.
And also learn to manage our time well because all these will help us tackle the issues of unforeseen circumstances.

3rd August 2021


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