Walls of insufficiency

in HeartChurch3 years ago

(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina

Monday 3rd May, 2021


Text: “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.” 2 Cor 3:5

I don’t have enough money to start the business. There is no one to sponsor my education. I don’t have the talents to become great. I’m in a situation that I don’t know exactly what to do. These are statements we must have all made in our lives before or still making. It’s a natural thing to look at the circumstances of our lives and make such conclusions.

Many great people in the past also made such statements at the beginning of God’s dealings with them. The pattern that God follows is that he does not expect us have everything before setting out. Moses was selected to confront Pharaoh and he began to express his insufficiency. “I am of slow tongue, i don’t know how to talk.” Jeremiah was being commissioned as a prophet to the nation and then he told God that he was a child. He was more or less saying I don’t have what it takes to do what you are asking me to do. Gideon looked at his family background and concluded that he did not have what it takes to become what God was saying.

A close look at all these will show that “Insufficiency” is an act of looking at ourselves and not looking at God. As long as we are looking at ourselves there will always be something that is “too small”, “too little”, and “not enough”. God had to help these individuals to overcome that sense of insufficiency. It would have been a “wall” that stopped God’s purpose for their lives. If all you will do and accomplish in life will depend on you so many things will forever be above you.
Paul understood clearly that God is our sufficiency. God is enough for everything. He has all it takes to accomplish whatever He’s asking us to do. God is big enough. God is rich enough. God is wise enough. He is the el-shadaiI; the multi-breasted God. TRUST HIM.

God is my sufficiency. In Him I have all it takes to fulfil destiny. Im not in any way disadvantaged.

LEARN MORE : Ex 4:10, Jer 1:5-10
Thanks for readng.


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