Qualified by God

in HeartChurch3 years ago

(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina

Wednesday 22nd December, 2021


Text: “Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.” 2 Cor 3:5 NIV

I want you to note the phrase that stands out in this scripture. Our competence comes from God!
There is a divine competence and adequacy that comes from God. We may look young, small. Inexperienced, unqualified (Give me more words) but as we come to God our competence and adequacy comes from God himself. We must also understand clearly that human effort and expertise alone are not enough to accomplish divine purpose. Apostle Paul was a trained lawyer in his days but he understood clearly that his qualification was from God. Most times what God will ask us to do will be far beyond our natural competence? This is why we must depend heavily on divine competence. By God’s competence at work in us we cannot fail. We can rise up to the occasion.

David wanted to take a step of faith to confront Goliath; King Saul and all his men around looked at the age and experience of David and felt he wasn’t the kind of person that could fight Goliath. It’s important to know that God doesn’t need anyone’s permission to move us into his purpose. People may think we are not quailed but God himself will qualify us by his Spirit. David was anointed by God for this battle; he was already qualified by God for the throne.

Refuse to be intimidated by human opinion. Refuse to accept the limitations that men place on you. Refuse to see any reason why you can’t be all that God wants you to become. Refuse to stop yourself; step into all that God has ordained for your life.
What God is asking you to do may look bigger than you but his ability is already at work in you to do it.

There is a divine competence at work in my spirit. I’m functioning by the ability of God.

LEARN MORE: 2 Cor 4:7

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